Chapter 5 − Personal

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Gwen pauses, thrown by that last word. Husband? What is he talking about? It's not what she was expecting to hear at all, then again, she isn't sure what she was expecting him to say to begin with. Not that he's her husband, of course! 

"What do you mean husband?" The word feels strange leaving her mouth, it's both thrilling and outlandish.

Theo lets out an angry groan, and curses under his breath, clearly frustrated with himself for letting the words slip out. "I can't believe I said that..." He mutters to himself, before saying to her, rather bluntly, "It means what I said, Gwen." He snaps unpleasantly.

"Hey, I'm just trying to understand, okay?" She snaps back defensively, annoyed and frankly a little hurt by his self-loathing he's taking out on her.

He looks over her face, then sighs heavily, his face softening. He smiles apologetically at her. "I'm sorry. You're right, I'm behaving rudely. What do you want to know, my love?"

"Don't call me that." She immediately replies. It's too much. She's only just coming to terms with him calling her baby, but 'my love' is too far. And it does things to her, it makes her feel all strange and warm inside her chest, like she might melt.

"Fine. I won't...for now. What do you want to know, Gwen?" He puts patronizing emphasis on her name, as he rest his crossed arms on the table and leans forward, gazing intently at her with those mesmerising blue eyes.

"You said you were my husband–" She begins but he cuts her off.

"Not were. I am your husband. Present tense." He corrects, his eyes smouldering, clearly enjoying their little dispute, as he lifts his mug of tea and takes a small sip; Gwen has completely forgotten about her tea by this point in the conversation.

She scowls at him. "Whatever. It doesn't matter." He frowns at her disregard but remains quiet. "Let's just say I entertain the possibility what you say is true. If you are my husband – which I think is absurd, not to mention impossible – then why do I have no memories of you, my supposed husband?" She drags out the syllables in the last word, hoping her derisive tone will get across to him how ridiculous the notion of them being husband and wife is to her.

He shrugs so nonchalantly it irritates her. "I don't know why they took your memories of me. But I assure you that doesn't lessen the fact that you are my wife."

"Who are they?" She inquires, not convinced at all by his words but curious enough to ask questions and indulge in his delusions.

"Certain people." He replies carefully, Gwen getting the sense he's being deliberately elusive, which only makes her more suspicious that he's not telling the truth. He must read her doubtful expression because he goes on to say, "Look, if I'm not your husband then how do I know so many things about you?"

"I don't know. Maybe you're just a very good stalker. You have no trouble breaking into my apartment, so this clearly isn't your first rodeo. And besides, apart from knowing my name, you haven't actually proven you know anything about me." Gwen replies sharply, staring him down testingly. But then her words cause her to rethink what the hell is she doing sitting across from this potential stalker, asking him to explain his stalker ways to her? Did she really have no regard for her safety anymore? Surely, she isn't that foolish and careless?

Maybe she should ask him to leave again. Yet, a part of her, a strange reckless part, doesn't want him to leave right this moment. 

I'll at least hear what he has to say. She tells herself. 

"Fine. You want me to prove myself?" He asks heatedly, his eyes suddenly burning with eager determination at her challenge. 

She nods and glares back, refusing to back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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