Chapter 2: My day

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Author here! I hope you liked the first chapter! I also hope you'll like this one too. I put hard work into. We shall now begin with the chapter!


Blake's POV

     We were at the entrance of the high school. Atzean University. They also have a grade school. My first time here, a freshmen.

I'm terrified.

"Don't be terrified." My sister said next to me.

Forgot she existed.

"I can hear you."

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did."

"How come you didn't tell me!?" I stage-whispered to her.

"I was about to.... then you said out loud--"

"By accident."

      "By accident," she said through gritted teeth. I kinda gulped at the dark look in her eyes. " 'Forgot she existed.' " In a mocking tone. "End of discussion." She says seriously.

     "Let's go now." I say, 'cause I don't want to be late... and 'cause I don't want to die.

        "Ok then, let's go," She replies, then finishes with "stupid brother." Then continues on walking without me.

"Hey! Worried sister!" I shouted, far away from her... sorta far away.

       "Don't care!" She shouts back, already at the doors. Why does she act like that all the time? I run to catch up with her, don't wanna be late. That sounds like something Bloom would say.

     I catch up with her and we go to the main office. We get our class schedules, locker numbers, and student handbook. Me and my sister part ways once we leave. I go to my homeroom class. Class A-1


        "Please go to page 117 in your books." Mr. Kacs said. Anyways I'm in my fourth class period. After this is lunch. Almost over. "3,2,1!"Everyone says, as if it was the New Years count down. I even think Mr. Kacs said it with us. "LUNCH!!!" We all shouted. Everyone ran out.

I went to the cafeteria and met up with my friends.


      "Hey dude! How you doin'? It's been so long, man." My best friend John said, as he said that my sister passed by and started humming a familiar tune of a song that we listened to. And no, it's not that famous song 'See You Again' nope. Me and Bloom like Five Nights at Freddy's, because we can and no one is stopping us.

      I look at her with a knowing look. We both were going to burst into song later and look like the dorks we are. Or maybe not. I don't know. What I do know is, I should probably stop spacing out or else they'll think I'm thinking about Katherine, my crush. Or maybe something else. Something stupid.

"Yo, Blake, you there? Guys I think he broke, because of his older sis." John said.

"Should we interrogate her?" Alex asked. I broke out of my dazed state.

       "She'll kill you if you do that." I state. I don't want them to die, nope, I spent too long protecting my friends from Bloom. I DO NOT want all that work go to waste.


       End of the day. School was quite interesting, more interesting than usual... strange.

"Hey kids, how was school?" Mom asks.




      We had eaten dinner and I did all my stuff for school. I am currently lying in bed, watching some TV in my bedroom. I'm watching Spongebob, childhood show. I'm kind of bored, I think I'll go to sleep now. Well, tomorrow's another day, hopefully we'll do something fun tomorrow. Gonna sleep now.


Hello everybody! How are you doing? I know I haven't posted in a long time. I take very long to write. Plus, I procrastinate. A lot. And I'm kinda busy. Well, I'm gonna working on the third chapter, sooooooooooo see ya! Also, Vote, if you liked the chapter. Comment, some nice things. Follow, me if you'll be excited when I create more books. Add, this book to your reading list or library if you liked this book.

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