The letter

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you were crying.

"goodbye eds." you touched his face as warm tears rolled down your face and your vision became blurry

"No. don't say that. we WILL see each other again. I promise." he was crying just as much as you were.

you grabbed his face a kissed him deeply. he kissed back, wrapping his arms around your waist.  you got in the car and drove off. tears still running down your face. you had on a jacket and went to put your hands in your pockets. you felt something, like a paper. you pulled it out to find it was a letter.

Dear Y/N 

I will see you again I promise. if you ever need to talk just call me. you have the number. I can always visit you. and if calling is too much of an issue just write me. I love you, be safe. and being with you means the world to me and I honestly wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I just want for you to be safe and I wouldn't know what I would do if something ever happened to you. I couldn't live with myself. knowing that I wasn't there to help you through what was happening. I love you~

love, Eds.

reading it made you cry even more. it made you love him even more, which you didn't think was possible. 

Eds! |Forgiveness Sequel|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang