Chapter 8

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Friday, 4:37 pm

I was surprised to find that the busywork regarding the carpenters involved building a boardwalk and, evidently, stairs that would facilitate our foray into the forest. There was a smell of new lumber and the sounds of drills and hammers were nearly deafening.

There was little conversation. We followed the pathway as it skirted the top of the hill toward the gorge. We turned south and began to descend the hill. A few of the steps were completed, but in several spots, I was assisted by the blonde man down the steep slope. Yuri would trust the valuable package that was Katie Lee to no one but himself. Where the big, blonde man would lift me over roots and obstacles like one would lift an icky bag of trash, Yuri would tenderly caress Katie Lee, as he lavishly complimented her bravery in assaulting such rugged conditions. Katie Lee looked like she would love to assault something rugged all right.

At last, we reached the bottom of the hill and found the entrance to the canyon. Dozens of black-clad, burly men swarmed about as they searched behind each tiny bit of gravel. I stepped on a bit of beach and stumbled, my foot landing in a few inches of water. Yuri said something, in a language I had never heard. The words were a mystery but the tone was quite clear. The blonde man tried to pick me up and carry me the rest of the way. I slapped his face and kicked him savagely.

The big guy was in a tough position: Yuri glared menacingly but my glare held its own threat. He was in a quandary: if he picked me up, he would face my wrath and Yuri clearly wanted the Scrappy Sister of the Perfect Katherine to be happy. But, Yuri clearly meant that I should be carried, which I refused. The man gulped, closed his eyes and crossed himself.

I relented but stipulated that I wanted to ride piggyback. One of the other men scrambled to assist me. I clambered on the big man's back and Katie Lee allowed herself to be swept into Yuri's arms. The procession sallied forth.

I pointed out the scene of the encounter and indicated the upper ledge where I had nearly fallen. As we sloshed along, I noticed men rigging lighting. I thought it strange, but what did I know? I was dealing with Katie Lee here—Katie Lee who had her brown lawn painted green, hired private armies and built stairs so that she might better hike in the woods. Who knew what she had in mind next?

We reached the area near the cave. Katie Lee was astounded by the view. It really was rather lovely; the rugged rock, the tumbling little waterfall, a few wildflowers that hadn't yet faded. One of the men stood inside the cave. He indicated that something of interest was inside. Katie Lee wished to see it, so Yuri found a spot near the entrance that was dry. He deposited Katie Lee, put her on his back and thus Katie Lee and I both traveled up the waterfall with no trouble at all to ourselves.

The cave smelled fresh. More lighting had been rigged inside so that the cave was completely illuminated. There was a young man, dressed in the same black fatigues, who had some kind of scientific-looking equipment. He seemed to be performing tests on the water and a few others examined the walls of the cave.

The young man spoke to Yuri; his language sounded sort of like Spanish, but more lyrical. Maybe Italian, judging from his swarthy good looks, although it sounded nothing like Renaldo's accent. Yuri tenderly placed Katie Lee on a dry shelf of rock and I was dumped beside her. Yuri asked questions; Katie Lee and I waited while he examined some of the test tubes. Then the others showed him the wall, which they all examined carefully. Yuri uttered a brief command and the others left. Katie Lee and I were alone in the cave with Yuri.

Yuri gave us an update: "We have found evidence of the man who attempted to attack the Brave Sister of the Courageous Katherine. He left footprints in the mud and the branch spoken of by the Lovely Sister of the Impeccable Katherine was discovered, with traces of blood. The man left the canyon shortly after the Worthy Sister of the Exceptional Katherine. Trackers are tracing his path."

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