Chapter 9

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Saturday 9:05 am

I had awakened, once, in the night, to find myself lovingly caressed in Katie Lee's arms, snug in her dimly lit bedroom. I managed to indicate my need for the bathroom. She rose, assumed a completely sheer robe, then assisted me to assume my own sheer robe. I was quite startled to discover that I was wearing some sort of trashy, very short and thin lavender-tinted garment, trimmed liberally in some sort of white fur. Katie Lee wore a matching garment, in pale pink.

Katie Lee slipped into a pair of 'boudoir slippers'—four-inch heeled, backless numbers trimmed in fur that matched her nightie. She indicated a pair for me, beside the bed, but I announced my preference for bare feet. She shrugged and agreed: I was wobbling badly, thanks to the potent sleeping pill. Katie Lee escorted me to the bathroom.

It was more eventful than it sounds. The little, original house only had one bathroom. We had to walk through the kitchen/living/dining room to get there, and there were people occupying that room.

I gasped and wanted to retreat, but the need for the bathroom was imminent. Katie Lee seemed unembarrassed. There was a lamp burning in the corner. I realized that the couch was occupied: Toby slumbered there, his feet dangling off the end. Yuri sat at the dining table, nursing a small glass of clear liquid. He stood and sent Katie Lee a searing look, taking in every detail of her appearance. He sighed deeply.

Toby woke at the disturbance. His eyes bugged, but surprisingly his gaze was focused on me. I yelped a little and scuttled into the bathroom. I did what had to be done, washed my hands and found some mouthwash. I gargled, then found a big towel. I wrapped it around me for modesty and stumbled out the door, only to find Toby sitting, quite alert, wearing nothing but his jeans. Yuri stood beside Katie Lee, whispering in her ear. He didn't touch her, but from the looks they exchanged they might as well have been ravishing each other wildly. Ben came to the door of the little bedroom. I noticed he had pulled on his filthy jeans but was barefoot and shirtless. It was a lot of beefcake in a tiny area, but I was in no mood to appreciate any of it. Ben sleepily regarded me across the room.

"Lou, are you OK?"

"Bathroom. Sleepy." I staggered toward the door to Katie Lee's room.

"Wanna come in here and sleep with me?"

"Mad. Sam." I yawned and dropped the towel.

Toby inexplicably drooled. I had never understood his preference for me over Katie Lee. I was OK-looking for my age, but Katie Lee was a bombshell. Nevertheless, the expression on his face was gratifying for my ego, but I was very glad the dim lamp was in the far corner as I remembered my cellulite and varicose veins.

Ben roared at me, yelled at Katie Lee for dressing me in indecent garments, and threatened to pound Toby's eyes back into his head. Katie Lee left Yuri reluctantly, pushed me into the bedroom and tucked me into bed. I fell asleep almost immediately to the sound of crashing furniture and cursing men.

When I awoke the next morning, I was surprised to discover light streaming through the window and saw by the bedside clock that it was past 9:00. I had slept over 14 hours. I was alone in the bedroom; I listened carefully but heard nothing in the house. I did, however, note there was activity outside.

I went to the bathroom and found some clothes and a note:

               Dear Lou:

               I found something for you to wear. In the shower, you will find some special shampoo                       and conditioner for your hair. Come to the boudoir whenever you're ready—don't bother                 to dry your hair. Mildred will fix you up and give you lots of coffee and some breakfast.                       No word from Sam. Everyone is waiting for you! Hugs and kisses—

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