Close To Confessing

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Chapter 1

Pairing: Potato/Broccoli

Ship name: Poccoli

(A/N) Sorry for any mistakes. Writing this quite late.

Anyways, Enjoy!
It was a calm summer evening, the breeze was the perfect temperature to keep Potato from baking. He was relaxing by 'da pool' with his friend, Broccoli.

"Hey, do you want anything?" Potato shyly asked Broccoli.

"For you to stop being so strange." Broccoli simply stated. He stood up and walked, rather flawlessly, over to Potato. "What's up with you? You've been so... Weird. Should I be worried?"

Potato paused for a second before answering with a strained voice.
"No, no! Honestly I'm fine. Just so stressed over the V.E.G exams."

Broccoli sent him a questioning look but decided to shrug it off. He slowly sat down on the end of Potato's sun-lounger.

"Mate, you'll tell me anything, right?" Potato absentmindedly fiddled with a loose thread in his sleeve. He glanced at Broccoli with a frown.
"Well... I'm not s-sure if I can t-tell you this..." Potato stuttered.

Broccoli's face filled with concern. Potato sat there silently waiting for Broccoli to say something. Anything. However, as Broccoli opened his mouth to begin to speak, there was a sudden door bell.

who could that be?

(A/N) Hope you liked the first chapter.

I have the whole story written already so I will probably publish all the chapters close together, if I remember.

Comments on how well the story turned out will be nice. No pressure. ;)

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