Love Can Burn You Like A Crisp...etta

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Chapter 2

Credit for chapter name: turkleofravenclaw
Thank you ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

This chapter was supposed to be a long chapter but I fail at everything in life so oh well.

Before broccoli could get an answer out of Potato, he was already stood and racing towards the house. He sighed irritably but proceeded to imitate the movements his friend had made moments ago.

He just about entered the house by the time Potato had opened the door, revealing the mysterious knocker.

"Hi! I'm with my team around your neighbourhood going around to ask some people a few questions about-"

Before she could finish her introduction, Potato swung his arms around her instantly.

"Shut up, you dork!" Potato laughed jokingly before releasing her from his arms. "Good to see you too, Potato" She replied.

From the other side of the room, Broccoli's irritated face faded to something unusual. Sadness? Jealousy? Why did he feel this way? And why didn't he like this woman, whoever she is?

She hugged his potato. He demanded to know who she was. Did he really just call him, his potato? What's happening.

Potato suddenly kicked into his senses and guided her over to Broccoli.

"Broccoli, this is Crispetta, my-"
Crispetta interrupted his introduction of her and charged forward, flinging her arms around Broccoli. He took a few seconds to respond and slowly ur hugged her back, a confused look on his emotion-full face.

Potato chuckled softly at her swift lack of communication skills and pulled her off of Broccoli.
"sorry about that, I just hug people when I greet them." She smiled innocently at Broccoli before turning around and exiting the house.

After a moment of Potato and Broccoli sharing multiple confused glances, Crispetta poked her head around the door. "A little help?"

She was busy holding a heavy box in one arm and an extremely excited dachshund puppy in the other. Potato quickly grabbed the box from her arms and placed it carefully on the sofa.

Broccoli still stood there, lost in his thoughts. He didn't escape them until Potato clapped his hands in front of his eyes rather loudly, sending a pulse of shock down Broccoli's spine. He blinked a few times and absentmindedly agreed to help with boxes.

Still... Who is this Crispetta girl?? Is she his girlfriend? Did Potato not share the same feelings he did?

So many questions swam through his mind, but he dicided to ignore them for now and help. "I'm such an idiot." Broccoli cursed himself under his breath.

He walked outside to be greeted with huge stacks of boxes. Crispetta was piling box after box into potato's arms, cackling at the possibility of Potato dropping them all, before remembering it was her stuff in them, so she hurriedly took them out of his arms and smacked him. Broccoli couldn't help but laugh at this. He stared at Potato's defeated look.

Did he always look this beautiful?

Preview: Potato woke to the sound of his phone ringing loudly...

Chapter 3 will be updated soon (hopefully) but to finish off chapter 2, here's my fanart of the ending:

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