The New Birth of The Runic Master

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Sixteen year old, Daniel Terrier, the great great great great grandson of Benjamin Morrison, is at his great grandfather's funeral, with his parents, Victor and Amanda Terrier, Daniel was just an ordinary teenaged boy, who had no idea of his family's legacy, but he'll soon learn, for a dark figure lurks in the shadows, and is awaiting him.

As, Daniel headed home, a few weeks later, he heard rustling nearby and he turned around and saw a strange shadow, watching him, he ignored it and kept on heading home. Daniel had another stressful day, at school, being a senior in high school can be a bit tiring, for a teenaged boy, he was accompanied by his younger brother, Quincy, as they neared their house, Daniel had a strange feeling, he was being watched, but he quickly dismissed it, as he and Quincy headed in. Quincy Terrier was thirteen and starting his freshmen year in high school.

As, Daniel laid in bed, that night, he kept having this strange feeling of being watched, but he just put it out of his mind, as he drifted off to sleep. The next thing he knew was, he standing in a graveyard, a tall man was with him, as he stood there, he heard a slow moan, and as the man spoke to Daniel, he had this shaking feeling, he was not supposed to be here, as the man stepped toward Daniel, Daniel stepped back, the man then slowly pulled back his teeth and barked at Daniel,

"YOU MUST LEAVE THIS PLACE!", the man barked at Daniel.

Daniel then woke up with a start, as Quincy shook him,

"Come on, Daniel, Mom is waiting for us at the car.", Quincy told his brother.

Daniel stood up and looked at his clock, it was 9:00 am, then he turned back to his brother,

"What?", Daniel asked, dazed.

"Daniel, Mom is waiting for us at the car.", Quincy repeated.

Daniel then stood up straight from his bed, quickly got dressed and followed Quincy to the car, as their mother drove them to school.

As, Daniel sat at his desk, his best friend, Carson Drake, was talking about how his family have to move in two months, but Daniel wasn't listening to his friend, as he continued to wonder, if he was being watched or not.

Daniel laid in his swing set, when he saw a girl staring at him, he stood up and watched her for awhile, then she stepped out from the shadow and Daniel was stunned to see his long lost cousin, Diana Blake standing before him, then just as she appeared, she vanished out of thin air, just like that, Daniel was then panicked at what he just witnessed, that he fainted.

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