The Adventures of Daniel Terrier

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As, Daniel followed the Robertson twins into the Dark Realm, he sensed a disturbing feeling in the pit of his stomach,

"Where exactly are you taking me?", he asked the twins.

"To our father, of course, young Master Daniel.", replied back Emily.

"Who is your father, may I ask?"

"Lord Gregory Robertson, himself.", replied Eric to Daniel's question.

"Your father is Lord Gregory?"

"You've heard of him, have you?"

"My father used to tell me stories."

"Your father?", repeated the twins.

"Yes, Victor E. Terrier."

"What has he been telling you?"

"Well, it's vivid, but he did say that Lord Gregory could summon all forces of hell to the Dark Realm."

Emily and Eric looked at each other, with concern, but kept on walking, as Daniel explained his father's stories to them,

"A long time ago, Lord Gregory summoned a demon, so powerful, so bloodthirsty, that it almost took him over, until his wife, Ellen, performed an exorcism, before the demon could take him over, and for that, he offered her, his love and devotion, shortly after Ellen saved his life, they wed and had twin children, a brother and sister.", finished Daniel.

"Your father's stories might be accurate, Daniel Terrier, but the stories nonetheless, are anything but folklore.", proposed Emily.

"You calling my dad, a liar, Robertson?", objected Daniel.

"I merely suggested, even if our father, did conjure a demon, strong enough to possess him, and our mother having to save him, were true, you would have to find prove, then, would you, now, Daniel.", inquired Emily.

Daniel stayed silent for the rest of the trip.

As, they come across an assortment of dead corpses, Daniel heard a chilling voice from the depths

'Welcome, son and daughter, and newcomer, to my domain, I am Lord Gregory, Conjurer, Ruler, Summoner of Demons of the Mortal Plane, I'm bound to the Dark Realm, until I am sent free by the next generation of the Runic Masters, the young and foolish Daniel Terrier, who was so foolish to enter my domain, willingly, tricked my own flesh and blood, welcome Daniel Terrier, to your doom!'

Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, unable to move his feet, as he saw a circle of dark hooded figures, form a circle around him, he looked around for Emily or Eric, but they were nowhere to be found, he stood there, helpless, as the figures began chanting, and as they were doing this, Daniel began to feel cold inside, then he began choking  out for help, but found his mouth filling up with foam, and then he collapsed, blacking out, remembering nothing, except for a dark feeling inside.

When, Daniel came to, he heard snickering, he turned to see Emily with Eric, he stood up and asked,

"What's so funny?"

They turned to him and only smiled, then disappeared, Daniel was left there to ponder over the events that just happened, he was puzzled, why would the twins lead him into a trap?, that he pondered over.

As, Daniel roamed around the empty space, he kept hearing voices, inside his head, he then fell to his knees and began to cry, as he thought of his brother, Quincy in that hospital bed, he could feel his suffering, his pain, and it scared him, then he heard snickering once again, and he turned to see Emily, looking down on him, she kneeled down, and put her hand on his shoulder,

"I'm sorry.", was all she said, as she disappeared.

"Wait, don't go.", Daniel said.

But no one replied, and Daniel lay there, sobbing.

As, he lay there, Daniel suddenly felt his feet sinking to the ground and he looked and saw he was standing in quicksand, he began wrenching free of this trap, he found himself in, but no use, suddenly a rope dropped down and Daniel grabbed it and he was pulled into an airduct, where he found a small plant that was pointing to the right with its vines, Daniel headed to the right.

As, Daniel felt around in the dark, he heard voices below him, and he began to panic, as he moved around, suddenly he was in a void, floating, looking around, wondering where he could be?, then he was back crawling in the dark.

Then, Daniel saw light, he hurried to it, and as he got there, he realize, he had been home the entire time, he laid in the grass, as he slowly got up, he saw his house in shattered remains.

The End

Sorry the ending isn't a happy one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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