Dive In

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As a surfer, I feel every part of the ocean. The soft white sand squishes between my toes as I walk across the shore with my board held tightly under my arm. I grin widely as I bolt towards the awaiting waters. 

I crash into the cool ocean water with my board under my belly. I splash some water onto my face and arms to cool me down.  I cup my hands on either side of my board and start paddling hard through the water. Soon enough, I reach a sweet spot and come to a stop. I straddle my board and look out to the expanse that is The Pacific Ocean. 

I move my hands through the water. And finally, a wave.  I start to turn around and paddle. I feel the wave take shape under me as I push off the surfboard, stand up, and drop onto the wave.  

Suddenly, the most exhilarating feeling rises inside me as I glide through the wave. The wave continues to grow as it nears the shore, forming into a perfect curve. I smile to myself as I attempt to enter the barrel. I graze my fingertips against the water around me and feel the light spray of the crashing water on my face. What a perfect day. 

All of a sudden, the wave starts closing in front of me. I don't think I can make it out. Seeing as bailing is my best option I let go of my balance and crash into the ocean water. The waves continue to crash around me, spitting me out into the deep waters. I continue to tumble in the water, trying to swim up and gasp for air. I reach the surface and pull in a breath before another wave sends me deeper into the ocean and away from the shore. 

That's when I see it. I open my eyes to see a sight that hits me hard. Plastic. Lots and lots of plastic swim around me as I float. Bags and bottles and pieces of torn up packages surround me completely. I swim further out, trying to find out where the plastic is coming from. I reach the surface and look around. The shore is about a mile out and no other land mass comes close. I dive back in to see a school of fish swim by. One small fish gets caught in a plastic bag, struggling to find it's way out. The sight breaks my heart as I swim over to help it escape.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a stingray come into view and glide through the water. The stingray slices through the garbage, trying to avoid bigger masses. I feel like crying. My favourite place in the world, the ocean, is being treated like a dump. Determination fills inside of me as I realize, I must do something about this. I must find a way to help the planet, and be rid of the plastic. 

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