2:New Maid.

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Author POV:
It had now been more than 3 years since that little incident happened. Y\N was now 21 and jobless. Since she was a mean girl in school and didn't pay attention to class, she failed all her exams and now she's here looking for a job to support her sisters learning. She went to all types of companies and they told her they would inform her later. One of those companies were Plan A Entertainment. They needed a maid for their bosses new home and Y\N knew how to cook and clean so she went for a interview and is now waiting for their call.

1 day skip~

It was morning as Y\N was getting ready for another job interview. She changed into these:

She just wore a plain shirt with blue jeans as she couldn't afford expensive clothes

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She just wore a plain shirt with blue jeans as she couldn't afford expensive clothes. As she was about to head out, she received a call from an unknown number. She picked it up:


Me~Hello? Who is this?
Mr Jung~ Hello there. I am calling from Plan A Entertainment to inform you that you have been hired as Mr .Lim's maid. You may start today. Come to our company by 9:00am.
Me~Sure I'll be there. Thank you!
I ended the call.

I was so happy to finally find a job after Search for 1 year and a half. I can't tell Jisoo about me being a maid. She'll feel bad. I look at the time it's already 8:00am, I only have an hour left. I get inside a taxi and rush to the company.

After I arrived, there were 3 men that welcomed me. They look really familiar but I can't quite recognise them. They were mumbling something to eachother and staring at me.
1st Dude:

Second dude:

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Second dude:

Second dude:

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