12:Mr Kim?

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"You know what? If you really hate yourself then why don't you just go and die? I would if I was you!"

"I won't even care if you kill yourself right now"
~Flashback over~

His words were now stuck in my head like a magnet. Would he really not care? Maybe he's right, I should kill myself. I...I love him! I can't make him suffer because of me. If me breathing is causing him so much problem,then seeing my face everyday for the rest of his life would make him suffer even more. I'd be tortured nonstop too. That's it! I'm going to do something I should have done a very long time ago. I might as well just kill myself!

I rushed to the kitchen and picked out the sharpest knife I could find digging it inside of my hand and...that's all I can remember before I blacked out.

Author POV:
Sejun picked her off the cold kitchen floor and ran towards his car. His white shirt was now red with blood dripping down his shoulder since Y\N's hand was there. He sat her down on the seat and put the seatbelt on. He took his tie off of his neck and wrapped it around her wrist trying to stop the bleeding. "Don't worry you'll be okay, I won't let anything happen to you I promise, I...I love you Y\N, you can't leave me" He said and while driving and not taking his gaze off the road.

They reached to the hospital and the doctor's rushed over. "What happened to her?" Doctor Yan asked. "She slit her wrist" Sejun replied with regret. "Who are you to her?" Dr.Yan asked again. Sejun didn't know what to say. He knew Y\N and him just had a big arguement and didn't know if Y\N would still want to be with him. "I'm her..hus... husband!" He exaggerated the last word.

They rushed her to the operation room and Sejun called Subin since he is the only one Y\N is close to.

Sejun POV:
Me: Hello?
Subin: Yes hyung?
Me: I think Y\N's dead.
Subin: *sound of laughter* hyung, I know you hate her but please don't crack jokes like that again. I like Y\N unnie so don't make me laugh at stupid things about her.
Me: I'm not joking Subin! We're actually at the hospital!
Subin: what? Hyung seriously? What have you done now?

Is that boy seriously blaming me right now? Why does he always think it's my fault?

Me: why do you always think it's my fault?
Subin: Because it always is stupid! What hospital are you in?
Me: (insert hospital name) Also, you need to beha-

Before I could finish he declined. Seriously this boy will get it from me later! Suddenly, the doctor came out.

"Mr Lim?" He called. "Yes?" I asked with a smile on my face thinking that everything is fine now. I mean that's what happens in all K-dramas right? "We don't know if we can save your wife, the knife must have been pretty sharp" Dr.Yan answered and left. I really need to stop watching K-dramas!

I felt my heart shrink a little. I could feel the pain of losing someone I love. I regret everything. I regret not being her ideal type. I regret not trusting her. I regret punishing and being cold to her. There's so much more I regret but I'm too hurt to even think about that right now.

The three guys ran inside the hospital and hugged me tight seeing my eyes teary. I hugged them back because I really needed that right now. The doctor came back to us.
"The hospital has phoned Y\N's closest family member to come here" Dr. Yan spoke. "Isn't that me though"I asked. "Yes but according to the law you guys aren't married yet so..."Dr. Yan spoke. "Say no more" Sejun stopped the doctor. "Go and save my wife" he pretty much commanded. The doctor went rushing back in.

After a while, some strange guy walked in asking for Y\N. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking about who he could be. He then came over to the seats near us where Y\N's operation room was. We all eyed him making him look at us. He looked pretty rich. "Who are you?" I asked. "Mr Kim, you're here!" The doctor yelled. The 'Mr Kim' dude nodded.

"I'm sorry, we don't know how we didn't notice this before. Y\N is perfectly fine. The knife was sharp but it didn't dig in as much. She had very low vitamin and energy inside of her since it was morning so she fainted" He spoke making us all relieved especially the Kim dude. "You can go meet her" Dr. Yan said and walked off. The Kim guy was going to Y\N before we stopped him.

Author POV:
"You didn't answer me, who are you?" Sejun asked. "Are you deaf or something? Didn't you just hear the doctor call me? I'm Mr Kim" he rudely spoke back and Sejun hated people talking back to him the most. "Kim what? What's your full name?" ByungChan spat at him. "My name is Mr Kim. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" He shouted the last part.
"Yes it IS! What is your FUCKING NAME BRUH?" Heochan yelled back. "My name is Worldwide Handsome" he answered holding back his giggles. "No! Your real name!" Subin looked mad. "Whatever my name may be, you may address me as Mr.Kim OR Worldwide Handsome since we don't know eachother. Also, remove your filthy hands off me boy"he told Heochan. Heochan didn't realize that he put his hands on his collar.

The guy went inside and Y\N happy to see him! It made Sejun widen his eyes. "She never looks at ME with that much excitement" he muttered to his brothers. "Because you don't deserve it" they all answered back together making Sejun pout.

"Oppa what's really you doing here?" She asked. "Op..OPPA?" Sejun whisper shouted. "Why is it so hard for me to get her attention and this random guy here just takes her all away from me in just a blink of an eye" Sejun thought to himself. "Jin oppa what are you doing here?" She squeezed with excitement. "Ah, so your name is Jin?" Subin asked. "Yes dork, do you mind? I'm trying to talk to my bestie here!" He answered back being cold.

I hit Jins arm when he scolded Subin. "I'm sorry" he mouthed me making me giggle. Sejun looked at me with furious eyes. I could see anger, jealousy and pain in his looks.
"Oppa, could you please leave me alone with Sejun for a moment?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes. "Is oppa what you must call me?" He asked looking upset. "Can you leave me alone with Sejun Worldwide Handsome?" He happily nodded and headed for the door. Before he left, he pointed two fingers at his eyes and then at Sejun's(the 'I'm watching you' look)threatening him.

"Who the hell is the guy?" He asked me. "My best friend\cousin" I told him. He scoffed. "Doesn't seem like that to me, he clearly looks like he's dating you" he angrily answered.
"Why do you always think whomever I talk to is my boyfriend? I thought you hated me then why do you care about who I date?" I asked being mad. "Fine then, go and marry him! Why are you still dealing with me when you have a rich, hot man like him? Or should I say 'Worldwide Handsome'?" Sejun yelled at me. I couldn't control it anymore. I told him how I felt.

"Because I love you!" I confessed out loud. He looked straight into my eyes and smirked.

"I don't care how many times you tell me you love me, just know that I can see through all your lies" he answered back coldly and left leaving me a crying mess.

End of chapter 12.

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I'm not a very good writer, I just started writing a few months ago. Please let me know if there's any grammatical errors.

Thank you 💕

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