Chapter 51

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??: hello, can i come in?

F: ...Leon!!!!

V: Leon! girls...

F: i know vilu. we go already. have a good talk. bye

they left and Leon started to talk.

L: i saw before your massage that you called...

V: yeah. i called. but when fran came in i stopped calling you.

L: okay.  Why did you called?

V: i don't know anymore... why i called you. so... why did you came?

L: we still need to talk...

V: yes. you're right. we still need to talk about us, right?

L: yes that's why i came. i wanted to tell you that i really like you.

 V: i... i really like you too

L: really?

V: ...yes! i do. 

A moment later he came closer to me. Then I take a step to him too. We are so close now, that i'm getting nervous. He noticed it and kissed me for the first time! He kissed me with passion and love. when we seperated, I was happy and i knew that this was a kiss to show me that he wanted to let me know that we are together now.

L: i have to go now. see you tomorrow?

V: yes. see you tomorrow.

L: bye then

V: bye

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