Chapter 3

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Nicoli sat down tiredly. His stomach growled in pain, he could really use some food right about now. 

"Stupid rules, stupid tests, stupid everything" He mumbled to himself as he fell amongst his desk. He would give anything to get out of this dumb, rule-filled world. Honestly, he hated his life that much.

The bell rang just as Akita walked in.  She sat down nicely in her desk next to Nicoli and waved hello. He slowly waved back, although he didn't want to. He hated Akita. She was too smart, and she thought she was the best. Everyone loved her and everyone wanted to be her friend. Everyone but  Nicoli. He was not exactly the most social person you would meet. He never liked talking or presenting in school. He usually writes an essay instead. 

"Alright class!" Mr. Matt said enthusiastically. "Let me take attendance!"

Nicoli groaned and sat up. 

30 minuets later

"...And that is what happened during the Middle Passage." Mr. Matt explained. "A very tragic story about how the slaves were transported from Africa to America." 

"Well, that's all for todays lesson. Any questions?"

Akita silently and proudly raised her hand. 

"Yes..." Mr. Matt looked down at his list. "Akita."

"What kind of work did the slaves have to do?" 

"Usually planting." Mr. Matt said.

"Ok." Akita whispered and sat down.

"Anything else?" The room remained silent. "Alright!" 

The bell rang "See you all tomorrow! Mr. Matt said as they all walked out the door.

Nicoli made his way to lunch, finally being able to eat. He bought his food and quickly ate it, trying not to throw up. Of course everyone thought it tasted fine, it was the only food in the world. But Nicoli was sure there could be more. He sat back in his chair at the lonely table. He had no friends, but he didn't mind. Again, he wasn't very social. 

 Akita was on the other side of the room, the center of attention as always. 

He was so exhausted, so he just laid there for a second. 


 Nicoli was shocked as he looked up to see Akita. She had left the other group and came over to his table, and Nicoli wasn't sure why. 

"Oh hi..." He answered weakly.

"I'm Akita!" she said excitedly, extending her arm. 

Nicoli hesitated, but she smiled so nicely he just couldn't be that mean.

"Nicoli." He said "But you can call me Nick."

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