Epilogue: The Burrow

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August 7, 2009

ANDROMEDA: (calling out) Molly? Arthur? Come along, Teddy, open the door for Grandma-

HARRY: I got it, I got it-

ANDROMEDA: Thank you, Harry, dear-

At the Burrow, HARRY opens the front door, while ANDROMEDA enters carrying a large pot of soup. TEDDY and VICTOIRE follow closely, eagerly searching for the Weasley cousins. From the kitchen, MOLLY hurriedly enters.

MOLLY: Andromeda, how many times must I tell you not to bring anything? We've got more than enough food already-

ANDROMEDA: (laughing) I'll never come empty-handed, Molly, you should know that about me by now.

MOLLY: (smiling) At least bring some wine next time. You're too good to us, Andromeda. And how are you, Harry, dear?

HARRY: Fine, Mrs. Weasley, thanks.

MOLLY: (pinching his cheek) Bit peaky, as per usual. It's good we've got a surplus of food for dinner, I suppose- come along then, everyone's out back. Teddy, Victoire, go ahead, now, I think they've got a Quidditch game going on in the backyard-

TEDDY and VICTOIRE hurriedly race each other through the house, laughing and pushing each other.

ANDROMEDA: No shoes in the house, Teddy!

MOLLY: (taking the pot of soup and carrying it to the kitchen) Oh, let the kids have their fun, Andromeda. How was Diagon Alley?

HARRY: All good, Teddy's all set for his first year.

ANDROMEDA: He's growing up far too fast.

MOLLY: Oh, you don't have to tell me. It's as if the grandkids are growing faster than their parents, these days-

MOLLY opens the door to the backyard, revealing a huge wooden dinner table, seated at which are various friendly faces. The children race around on the Weasley's old broomsticks in an amatuer game of Quidditch, using a garden gnome as the Quaffle.

FLEUR: (approaching them) 'Arry! Eet is so good to see you! (She plants a flowery kiss on HARRY'S cheek) And Madame Tonks, zank you so much for taking Victoire today- she and Teddy cannot zeem to get enough of each uzzer, I theenk!

ANDROMEDA: It was no problem at all, Fleur. Where's Bill?

FLEUR: 'e was working late today at za bank, but 'e should be returning soon, I theenk- zat new boss of 'is is so demanding-

HARRY walks around towards the back end of the table, where a group of laughing friends sit together, including a red-headed woman with a grin on her face.

HARRY: What's so funny?

GINNY: Oh, nothing. Luna and I had a bet, you see, that Fleur would kiss you before I did-

HARRY: (grinning) Very funny. (He sits down next to her and kisses her) What's the reward?

GINNY: It's a Sickle from you, Luna.

LUNA: (serenely) Hmm, quite an unlucky night for me, I think. First a lost Sickle, not to mention I was bitten by a garden gnome just a few moments ago-

ROLF: (taking her hand and kissing it) Gnome saliva has been proven to be very beneficial, dear.

RON: Really? 'Cause I've been bitten by that gnome quite a few times in my life, and all it's ever given me was a rash in the most inconvenient place-

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