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Have you ever heard of the saying, 'Life is like a game of chess'? Well, I'll explain it for you that haven't.

Your most trusted friends and family members are your Pawns. Then two of your closest family members are the Bishops of the game. Your brother and sister are the Castles and your mother and farther are the King and Queen. Which leaves you and your closest friend, whom you would do anyone for and treat like family are the Knight's. Life starts off good from there, but when you don't respect your King and Queen, you end up either dead, or living on the streets with your family gone, friends gone and nowhere to live. Just like Ruby.

She was left on the streets with nothing but a change of clothes and her black duffle bag that would carry her clothes and a few water bottles that she would continue to fill with the water from the small stream that was close to where she camped out.

Ever since her family and friends left a year ago one by one to get their citizenships for the Surface lands, life was getting harder for her. She tried to apply for a job over and over again, but they all gave her the same answer, 'Get out of here, you stupid Thorn!' all thanks to her parents, they had a bad history of theft and working for the MPs to do their dirty work. Sometimes she had to scope down to their level and steal food if she didn't find any money left on the streets of the Underground City.

Living the way she did was all she knew how to do, it was just a routine for her, she would even try and learn how to fight from the street thugs that had found a couple 3DMGear.... somehow. They taught her a lot, it was useful stuff to learn, it was sometimes hard, but thanks to one thug named, Levi Ackerman, she could get out of a situation when she got caught other by an MP or a towns person. So that was useful in a lot of incidences.

She then heard from the thugs that some of the Survey Corp was coming down here to capture them, but not only them but her as well. All because she stole shit and got away with it because she could fight, how stupid is that!?

She had this feeling in her gut that something bad was gonna happen. She could just feel it. After a few days she wasn't thinking straight, then the day arrived, the day the Survey Corp's came. She grabbed her stuff and started to run for it as soon as she heated more than three pairs of cords that would shoot out from the 3DMGear. She would keep running, she tried to stay under cover as much as she could, but she guessed one of them saw her, because the next thing she knew, she was tackled to the ground.

"Oh, No You Don't!" The figure that had tackled her said, it was a male voice, as soon as she saw his blond hair, piercing blue eyes and huge bushy eyebrows, she instantly knew who it was, it was the leader of the Survey Corp's himself, Commander Erwin Smith.

'Shit!' She thought to herself.

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