Joining The Survey Corp's

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She struggle against his grip before pulling a knife out of her pocket and slashed it at him. He lets go and jumps back once the cold and blood shed knife sliced against his cheek.

He touched his cheek and noticed that there was blood. 'Fucking brat!' He thought to himself as he looked at her with rage and a tint of fire in his eyes. He was pissed off. "You brat" He said in venomous voice.

"Oh, you want me to do it again, Eyebrows?" She said with a small smirk on her lips.

"I'd like to see you try" he said as he grabbed out one of his blades from the 3DMGear. He tosses it over to her feet. "I won't fight unless you are armed with a similar weapon." He then grabbed out another blade and pointed it at her.

She picked it up then started to run at him with the blade sharp and ready to go through its victim.

He quickly blocked the shot, before gliding her blade away from him and going for his shot.

She jumps back and flips onto a stack of boxes. 'What should I do, any longer and I might-' Her thoughts were interrupted as she then fell back. She realised that the boxes under her had broken. 'Shit!'

She continued to fall, just waiting for the moment she hit the ground...but it hadn't come. She opened her eyes and realised why, she was in the arms of the person she was trying to fight? 'Why though, why would he help me?'

"You okay-" He asked until she yelled at him.

"Let me go you ass hole!" She yelled out as she kicked him in the torso and quickly jumped back. A small grunt in pain escaped her lips as she noticed a deep cut was displayed on her shoulder down to her wrist. "Fuck!" She held her arm in pain.

Erwin would start to get up and hold his torso tight in as a wave of pain suddenly hit him. "Yeah, you got that when you fell, a piece of wood from those boxes had just manage to get you." He explained as he then made his way over to her, doing so he grabbed out some hand cuffs and cuffed her hands and tied her feet together so she didn't try and escape again. "You're coming with us, young lady"

"Commander!" a voice yelled out "We have the leader!" it was one of the scouts.

'Levi!' She thought to herself 'Well shit, we're all gonna die today then.'

"Excellent, I've got one of them here, she had a knife." Erwin exclaimed as he grabbed her by the collar and dragged her over to where Levi, Farlan and Isabel were.

"You guys okay?" She asked them when she was dropped to the ground next to them, she took place in a line with them, her position was next to Levi on the end.

"We're fine, don't worry," Levi said under his breath "how about you, brat?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, just a scratch," She said as she turned her gaze to her arm "hurts like hell though."

"Well, you should have been a bit more prepared and left last night." Farlan budded in.

"Oh, yeah, real smart. And what, let you get captured? Why didn't you go into hiding with me then last night as well, then we all wouldn't have got in this shitty mess" She quietly yelled.

"I-" Farlan got interrupted.

"Hey, that's enough talk. Now, who are you?" Erwin exclaimed as he knelt down to Levi.

He stayed mute, then his head got beat into a dirty puddle of water.

Farlan finally speaks up. "His names Levi! Leave him alone!"

"Church Shut Up!" Ruby yelled at him to keep him from saying anything else.

"Levi, huh, and you are?" Erwin asked as he looked at Farlan, Ruby gave him a glare as if to tell him to not say anything.

"F-Farlan Church, that's, Isabel Mongolia and the one with the scratch up her arm is Ruby Thorn!" He yelled as if to plead them to let them go.

"Well, you had quite good movements, how would you like to join the Survey Corp?" Erwin asked.

"Go to hell!" Ruby and Levi said in unison.

"I would hate to see one of you die from a, so called, scratch." He gestured to Ruby.

She growled. 'Just do it and he'll leave you and everyone alone.' She thought. "Grr. Fine"

"Ruby" Levi looked at her.

"Dude, just go with it." She said back.

"Okay, you better not be wrong" He replied as they were then dragged by the Scouts, Ruby was dragged by Erwin.

Once on the surface lands, they looked around and saw a carriage that would take them to the Survey Corp HQ.

Once there they were told to demonstrate our skills. Once we did, they were a bit surprised. After a while of testing and all, we finally became official Scouts of the Survey Corp's.

A Wilting RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora