A Day Of Sorrow

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'Well, fuck, Church, Magnolia and Ackerman boy and me are stuck in this shitty dump they call "head quarters". It's fucking descusting, I can tell Levi thinks so too' Ruby thought to herself as Farlan, Isabel, Levi and her were put in a big area of dirt and stones Infront of a massive building. This area they stood in was used for training.

"Great, your all here." A voice said out of nowhere. It was the Commander and another two people, one was rather tall and he sniffed the air slot, the other had brown hair pulled back in a messy ponytail with glasses strapped across her eyes.

"Oh, great, if it isn't 'Commander Eyebrows'. And who are these two?" She asked with a hiss in her voice, she was pissed off.

"HEYA, NAMES HANJI ZOÉ, YOU CAN CALL ME HANJI THOUGH! THE ONE NEXT TO ME IS MIKE!" The one with her hair up had said out loud in a happy and cheerful smile.

"Well, why don't we go ahead and call you 'Shitty glasses', suits you well" Levi had hissed at her cheerfulness.

"OH, I LIKE THEM," She smiled more brightly. "AND WHAT ARE YOUR NAMES?"

"This, Hanji, is Levi Acherman, Farlan Church, Isabel Magnolia and this little 'bundle of joy' is Ruby Thorn" Erwin had introduced us to them with a hand gesture.

"Oh, fuck off" Ruby spat back at him, she hated it when he said shit like that.

"SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!" Hanji screams, trying to hold back a small laugh of joy.

Ruby goes to punch her but is held back by Farlan and Isabel, Levi couldn't give to shit's, for he felt the same urge that Ruby did.

"Ruby! Calm down!" Farlan had said holding her back.

"Bitch, she just called me adorable!" Ruby yelled back as she then managed to get out of the grip of Farlan and Isabel as she swung a punch at Hanji.

Her fist was centimetres away from Hanji's face in the matter of a second, before her fist stopped. A hand was wrapped around her wrist stopping it from going any further. "That's enough. You should use that strength in Training, not on your commanders, Miss Thorn." Erwin had said.

She growled a little before getting back in the line with the others. Her fist held tight. "Well, you called us here for a reason right, why would that be, to show us Shitty Glasses and Sir Sniffer over here?" She asked with venom in her words.

"Well, seeing that everyone is here, I needed to tell you that we are due to have an Expedition tomorrow, so, today will be training then learning our formation for outside of the walls, got that?" Erwin had explained.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone of the scouts behind Farlan, Isabel, Levi and Ruby had yelled. including Farlan and Isabel, Levi and Ruby just said a simple 'Yes..'

With that Erwin and the one called Mike, had walked away, Hanji on the other hand had stayed to watch everyone train.

"What are you still here for, Shitty Glasses?" Levi had asked.

"Just here to watch you four fight, and how you guys move" Hanji implied.

Farlan and Isabel paired up with each other, knowing that they could learn from one another and hope for the best, Ruby had paired up with a man that was almost double her height, Levi on the other had just sat down and watch Ruby and the tall man. Hoping that nothing too bad would happen. Once he sat down, Hanji came and sat next to him.

"What ya doing?" She asked him.

"Watching.." Levi replied before shuffling a bit away from her.

She moved closer to him, looking in his gaze. "Who you watching?"

"Non of your business Shitty Glasses" He spat back.

"Your watching Amber, I bet ya" Hanji smiled.


"Why?" She was curious.

"To make sure that she doesn't kill her partner.." He simply replied.

After training they all waited to get the news on where in the formation they were in, tomorrow was the day, the day they will finally end this shit, the day they will kill, Commander Erwin Smith.


They got up and got ready. Farlan, Isabel and Levi had made their way to Ruby's room, they knocked on the door.

"C'mon in" Ruby's voice had called out as she got her jacket on and done up her boots.

They made their way in and shut the door behind them. "Ruby, you ready?" Farlan had asked.

"Yeah, just need to get my other boot on." She said as she was tying up the laces on her black combat boots.

"Why are you wearing those boots?" Isabel asked.

"Because the other boots don't fit me, and because I hate the style and colour of them, blacks more my colour." She said as she stand sup and brushed off the dust hat had caught on her clothes.

"Anyway, we're all aware of the plan, right?" Levi had said.

"Yes" They all said in unison.

"Good, now, once we get out there, we'll use the upcoming fog to get an easy sneak on Erwin, once the job is done, we'll make it look like it was a Titan attack and make an escape. Got it?" He explained.

"Yeah...But Levi, I'm not in you guy's squad, what should I do, I have to be by Erwin's side the whole time, how will that work?" Ruby asked.

"You can try and keep him distracted once i give out the signal." he had said firmly.

"Okay." She nodded.

After Erwin had given his huge ass speech. The gate opened and everyone started to form in the formation we had just learned last night. Ruby was at the Commanders side as Levi an the others were split into a different group on the other side of the formation.

Ruby was next to Erwin on her pitch black stallion along side his pure white stallion.

"Ruby, how is it that you never seem to like other people except for your friends, Mr Church, Miss Magnolia and Mr Ackerman?" Erwin had said out of nowhere.

'Shit! Why did he have to speak to me, we're on a mission to kill him, not to make piece with the dumb fuck!' She thought as she just kept her eyes forward, not wanting to answer the question he had asked.

"Heh, not the talkative type are you? Well, let me ask you this, answer it truthfully... The real reason you four willingly came to use was because you had a mission on killing me, didn't you?" He asked.

Ruby's eyes widened a bit. ' Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!' She thought as she stared back at Erwin. She gave no answer.

"I'll take that as a Yes then-" his words were interrupted.

"How did you find out?" Ruby asked her gaze still ahead of her.

"Well, rumours spread easily" He simply said as at that moment cries could be heard and screams.

Ruby turned her horse around sharply and started to make her way fast to where the sounds were coming from. Once she arrived the scene made her eyes widen. "N-no...."

Both Farlan and Isabel's bodies were left on the ground, well what's left of them. Levi was on his knees...crying in front of a now disintegrating Titan corps. She jumped off her horse and ran to Levi's side. She tripped in the mud, getting her whole pants and boots covered in mud, but she kept on getting up and finally made it to the aid of Levi. "L-Levi..." Ruby stuttered to say as she had tears filling her eyes. She then felt Levi's arms wrap around her. Crying into her shoulder as she hugged him back as the tears started to fall, then the fog started to disappear once the sunlight had started to shine through, everyone from the scouts had come and gathered, including Erwin.

A voice whispered into Ruby's ear "Please, Ruby.....Never leave me, your the only one I have left...."

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