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You wake up in a white void... devoid of almost anything. You don't know why you are there, how you got there, or anything... you only know that you are there. Pushing against the cold, smooth ground, you stand up and look around. Nothing... or at least, that's what you expected to see.

In the distance, you see a person... just standing there... Curiosity takes over, as you decide to approach the person quietly, without the person knowing. Eventually, you were able to make out a few features of the person. He had a red tinge at the ends of his hair and oddly coloured eyes, one blue and one orange. He didn't seem too fit and was relatively young, about 14. You feel like something was a bit off...

As soon as you were about to say something to him, a loud click was heard nearby and everything, for a split second, turned dark. When you were able to see again, the person was completely gone, leaving almost no traces of himself. Startled, you fell backwards in shock, leaning against something... no... someONE...

", that's a tad bit rude, don't ya think?"

You turn around and your eyes widened as you saw the exact same person, standing right behind you. Despite looking a bit intimidating, he seemed somewhat approachable. You greet him and apologise profusely for your actions, but all he does is look at you, with a confused look on his face.

"Um... theres no need to apologise. In fact, I should be apologising to you," the person says.

He scratches his head sheepishly, even blushing a bit, before introducing himself.

"Names Ano... and... wait, how did you up here?" Ano asks you, with a quizzical look on his face.

"I... don't know..." You quietly reply

"Ah... well, it's alright; First timers are always like this! Anyways, what's your name?"

This guy... he seems all over the place. Fortunately, you are quite used to that; You have seen people who are even worse than this. Either way, you introduced yourself.

"M-my name is Y/N... do you know any way out of here?" you ask nervously.

Ano just looks at you...

"Do I? Of course I do!" Ano laughs a bit, before continuing. "Also... you should come with, cuz this place will get boring really quick" Ano casually replies. You sigh in relief. Finally, you have a way out.

Out of the blue, you see blue sparks flying out of nothing, suspended in the area in front of him. You think that Ano is somehow making it. The sparks gradually increase in numbers, until an oval shaped portal is made, with a light blue rim.

You look in awe as you peek inside of it. Through the portal, you don't see anything familiar... but you see a room, supposedly Ano's room. You look back at Ano, as he enters the portal calmly.

"Well... what are you waiting for?"
Ano smiles warmly as he gestures you to enter the portal...

Ano. (Basically done?)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum