This is the first request that we got. It's from RipplingReader. Thank you so much for the request. Here it is! I hope you enjoy!
I groaned annoyedly and collapsed onto the sofa dramatically. The Slytherin common room was empty except for me and Pansy, and, of course, Mr Drama Queen himself.
'I know, but you need to look after him. Someone has to. Remember last time?'
I shiver at the memory.
'But why me? Why can't you do it?'
'Sorry babes, I've got detention with Flitwick. You know I would stay, but everyone else is going out. You're the only one who can look after him.'
'Yeah, but- '
'Y/N, crap, I'm gonna be late. Good luck.'
She winks at me as she leaves the common room, and I roll my eyes so hard I'm surprised they're still in tact.
Great. Now I'm all alone. With him.This is not going to go well.
I rise slowly from the cushions so delicately placed and allow myself a second to prepare. The last time we left Draco in a delirious state... well, let's say it did not go well. I trudge sullenly up the stairs, deeply regretting my life choices, and knocked on the door to the boys' dormitory.
'Draco? You awake buddy?' I hear a grunt, a thud and some shuffling. Okay I'm calling it now- he totally fell out of bed. Dork.
'Boys only,' came his slightly slurred but rich (in both ways if we're honest) voice, 'No girls allowed.'
'Draco, I'm here to make sure you don't do something dumb. Got permission from Pansy.'
The door opened slightly, and I saw his glazed grey eyes brighten when he saw me. The door swung open, almost hitting himself in the face in the process.
'Heyy, Y/N, how you doing,' he mumbled, leaning over the door frame.
'I'm doing just great, you?'
'I'm... pretty good. Pretty, like you.'
'Okay. Can I come in?'
'Yup.' He didn't move.
'Thanks.' I slid underneath his arm and he followed, letting me close the door.
'So,' I said, standing awkwardly in the middle of the dorm.
'A good point, well made,' he said, making me laugh. But the he swayed, almost falling, and I ran to catch him before he hurt himself. Wouldn't want to damage that pretty little face of his. Despite his attempts, his entire weight pressed into me as I dragged him to his bed. Don't ask how I knew which one.
'Thanks, Y/N,' he whispered to me, and I hauled him up to a sitting position. He patted the space beside him. 'Come sit with me.'
I hesitated. I don't want to get ill, but honestly, it was worth it. I mean, what could go wrong, right?
He leaned his head against my shoulder and I felt it almost light up, the contact sending sparks of panic-infused joy down my arm. I fought the urge to shake him off, because I don't like him in that way, never have, never will.
And to those of you who are now saying, 'Oh, but she does!', I don't. End. Of. Story.
'Y/N,' he slurred loudly as he kept his head on my shoulder, 'Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, what shall I do with you?' He grinned, showing his perfect white, shining teeth.
'Hopefully nothing creepy,' I half-heartedly tried an insult. It failed, but he also failed. To notice.
He lifted his head and sat cross-legged on the messy bed, pulling me around by the shoulders to face him.
'Y/N. You look sad.' He stated bluntly. For the first time I noticed his hair. It was ridiculous, and ridiculously endearing. It was messy, like his bed, and this was the first time I had ever seen him look so... not pristine. It was relatively curly, and a single strand of hair was stray, falling against his nose. It looked so soft, so unnatural for him. I giggle.
'I'm not sad, Draco. I'm, I'm good.' He smiled drowsily and nodded.
He frowned, and I moved my legs up onto the bed. 'You're pretty, Y/N.'
'Thank you. You're not too bad yourself.'
'I like you, Y/N,' my eyes widen, trying not to jump to conclusions, 'Like, like like. Like like like.'
I arch an eyebrow, biting down my excitement, 'You need some sleep.'
He frowned, and took my hand. 'Do you like me, Y/N? Because it's okay if you don't.' His words were thickly slurred now.
I sighed, smiling, 'I like, like like you too, but right now , you need to sleep. Please.'
He nodded thoughtfully and laid down, and quickly his breathing deepened. I curl up next to him, tired from the shock and the long day.
Pansy's POV
I vividly remember walking in after that detention, and was not at all shocked. .They were both sleeping soundly, breathing at the same pace, fingers entwined casually. I tiptoed through the room, draped a thin blanket over them both and slowly left them to sleep.
I flew down the stairs and leapt into Blaise.
~ Echo
Hope it was all you dreamed of, and thank you :)

Draco Malfoy One Shots
FanfictionJust some Draco x Reader One shots! You know the drill, classic one shots with ya boi in. Edge and fluff warning head on! If you'd like to see he/him or they/them one shots, drop a comment!