The Second Task

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Guess who updated? It's me, hello! Sorry I haven't in a while, I've been busy with the fanfic on my personal account (link in bio *promotional, but welcoming grinning*), but I have an update now! So please enjoy! (Note in this fanfic, the Triwizard Tournament had an age line for 15 and up rather than 17)



So, yeah I put my name in the Goblet, but I didn't actually think that I would get chosen. Perhaps that was it: I didn't really want it so the goblet decided to give me the place just to annoy me. Well, that was magical objects for you.

I had only just escaped the dragon, and retrieving the egg was a close call, one of the dragon's claws almost amputated my head. But I had been talking to Cedric (who was nice enough to help me with finding out what in Merlin's name was going to happen next) and apparently someone told him that we would be underwater.

For one WHOLE hour.

Which of course I was fine with. Except I'm not a fish. I have lungs, not gills and I can't breathe underwater, I'm human!

That was where Draco came in. His mother is good with charms, and he asked her to look for one for me to be able to survive this whole thing, and of course, she had one right away. It's really thanks to her that I even got this far, managing to help without Draco's father finding out, he would definitely kill us all. And I am not exaggerating.

Anyway, it was time for the second task. I hadn't seen Draco since last night when we had stayed up reading on what might be in the Black Lake and Snape had whisked him away to help with God knows what. 

I was actually a bit worried. I'd have to try and find him in the crowd.


Of course, I didn't see him in the crowd, not because he wasn't there, but because I had been rushed in a hurry to the edge of one of the many large wooden structures floating on the water. Fleur and Victor stood next to me.

"Welcome!" bellowed Barty Crouch through his wand. "Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three..."

I took out my wand and performed the bubble-head charm I had been practising earlier this week. 

Crouch cleared his throat. "One...two...three!"

I closed my eyes and jumped feet first into the lake.

The first thing I noticed was the cold. It felt like every part of my body was being stabbed by tiny ice daggers, causing a complete lack of movement.. I felt around in the pocket of the shorts I wore over my swimsuit and dug out my wand, performing a spell to keep myself warm.

Once the pain had fully left me, I opened my eyes and swam.

I swam for so long through weeds and next to fish I didn't even know existed. Eventually, I caught up with the other champions and followed them towards a large open space in the water. I watched from the reeds as Victor Krum swam through the mermaids (yes! mermaids!) and towards a large archway. It was only then that I realised where Draco was.

He was asleep in the common room.

Joking, he was hung up like a dead person, no facial expression on his face, inside the archway. I recognised his hair.

Suddenly with some motivation, I glided towards him and, me being a stronger swimmer, past Victor.

About 5 mermaids were swimming around the 3 captives: Draco, Hermione Granger and what looked to be Fleur's little sister. Fleur was nowhere to be seen.

I hastily untied Draco's feet. Victor did the same for Hermione and swam off, giving me a sideways glare. Rude.

I looked around the plain. Fleur was still not showing up. If she didn't show up before the end, who would get her sister?

Making a decision which would probably sabotage the whole competition for me, I grabbed Draco's hand and swam over to Fleur's sister, untied her and took her hand as well. I kicked off with my legs and swam back the way I came.

Let's just say, the mermaids were more of a safety hazard with no free hands.

They kept grabbing at my legs and trying to pry Draco and Fleur's sister away from me. It was getting annoying now.

Thankfully, I saw what I hoped was a familiar looking rock and began to swim to the surface. I pushed Draco and Fleur's sister to the surface, knowing that Draco, a particularly good swimmer, would help her get to the wooden float. Once they reached the surface safely, I used my now free arms and legs to push upwards.

Once I reached the surface, I saw Draco helping Fleur's sister to the edge of the wooden thing where Fleur was waiting. Victor was behind her with his friends, having abandoned Hermione to celebrate. Obviously. Git. 

Hermione seemed quite happy though, for someone who had been underwater for over an hour in a state of unconsciousness. She was beaming at me from next to Harry and Ron, a towel wrapped around her shoulders. I smiled back.

Once I reached the float and sat down, I was immediately attacked with kisses. But oddly enough (and to my disappointment) not from Draco. Fleur Delacour was smothering my cheeks with about 10 kisses a second. 

"Well, Fleur, I'm flattered. I never knew you felt this way," I laughed.

She laughed back, "No, you have saved my sister, how can I ever thank you?"

I shrugged. "Ah, it was nothing. All in a day's work, although I'd ratger not do that again."

She laughed again and went to go and sit with her sister.

I turned to Draco, who was raising a confused eyebrow in Fleur's direction. "She's weird."

"Yeah, but she's nice, so it doesn't matter," I replied, standing up to hug him.

"How was it?" he mumbled into my shoulder.

"Cold. And the mermaids were kind of scary. And Krum was being a dick. But apart from that, fine."

We pulled away, but Draco's hand stayed on my waist.

"Well," I announced. "I don't know about you, but after the results are called out, I am going to bed."


Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it wasn't as good as usual, but it was rushed and I really wanted to update.

Also, we are so close to 5K reads! I would really love to get there by Christmas, which is 10 days away and I think we can do it. We literally need 200 people so please share this with your friends and continue to read, comment and vote, all your support it so greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!


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