The Start Of Somthing Great

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Running to see what has happend you stummble opon 1 dead-death stalker and a girl running up a cliff to decapitate a giant nevormore.


His mouth is so open a baby nevormore could fly in and make a nest. I hit him in the chest

(Y:N) come on lover boy lets make sure they are all right
We walk to where the bridge is....well was. We see a group of students on the other side

(Ven) well how are we going to get across

(Xander) ladder?

(Y:N) yeah just let me take a ladder OUT OF MY POCKECT

(Xander) ok don't be an as-

(Yang) hey boys

(Y:N) hey yang, looks like you guys have everything under control

(Yang) yeah thanks to you guys. Thanks for getting those beowolfs out of pur hair

(Noir) oh no problem only two of us fell off a cliff

We both look at Xander and Ven.

(Ven) oh ha ha

(Yang) well how are you guys going to get across?

(Y:N) we will have to wait for a bull he-

Before I could finish my sentace Noir comes sprinting out of no where and jumps across and clings to the ledge making whats left of the structure creek like an old barn

(Y:N) show off...

(Xander) well if he can do it we all can

He walks back a couple feet turns around and begins to run

(Ven) hes not going to make it...

(Y:N) Xan your not going to make it!!!

(Xan) ill make it!!

When he jumps he flings his arms and legs like something out of an action movie....doesn't even make it half way

Before falling to his damise he begins to levitate back up with syths spinning in the air like a helicopter And lands on the other side

(Xan) like my new upgrade??

(Ven under breath) darn it

(Y:N) What?

(Ven) nothing!

(Y:N) hey do you hear that?

Over the horizon we see a bullhead fly over the school and start to land behind us. When the doors open we see Ozpin

(Ozpin) need a lift students?

(Y:N) yes sir

We both run to the bull head and bord.

(Ozpin) well what artifacts did you and your teammate acquire mr (L:N)

(Y:N)*slaps own face*

(Ozpin) let me guess in the panic you forgot to grab a artifact.

(Ven) .....yup

(Y:N) so are we expelled???

(Ozpin) well not quite...

Me and ven look at each other questionably


(Ozpin) Ruby Rose ,Weiss schnee, Blake belladona and Yang Xio Long you will be know as team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose


(Y:N) lover boy.......


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