~i don't wanna do it~

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Today was the day I was gonna get my wisdom teeth out and I'm really scared. I don't like needles or the fact that a total stranger is putting their hands in my mouth. This morning Colby woke me up and told me to get ready. I just tried to fall back asleep. "Wake up you need to get ready." Colby whined. Colby grabbed me by my ankles and dragged me out of bed. I had no choice to get up now. I was changing and when I was done I just thought of all the pain I would be in and all the needles and the medicine. I just started to cry. Colby came in the closet and hugged me. "What are you so scared about." Colby said it in a concerned yet confused voice. "That it's just surgery and it's scary." Colby and My brother Aaron was on our way to the surgery center and I was really anxious and Colby could tell. He put his hand on my thigh and just rubbed it. (not in a sexual way lol😂) he looked up at me and smiled when I faced him. A glaze filled my eyes and i was making a puppy dog face. Aaron pushed me out of my seat being the brother he is and i stumbled into the room.
part 2?
sorry i haven't been posting i've been really stressed luv u guys❤️❤️

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