Chapters Eleven and Twelve

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Chapter Eleven

Justan and Jhonate left the arena for the kitchen. Justan was physically tired, but still mentally energized from the high that his battle had left him in.

“Ma’ . . . er, Jhonate?”

“Yes, oh mighty warrior Justan,” she replied with mock gravity.

“There is something I don’t understand,” he began, but stopped to think for a second. They got in line for the food and he continued, “Something happened in the arena today that should have been impossible. We both know I’m not that good. This afternoon, it was like . . . I could do anything! Time seemed to slow down for me .  .  .”

He shook his head with embarrassment. “I am having a hard time describing it. It was as if I borrowed the strength from everybody in the arena and used it in the fight.”

Jhonate nodded. “You fought today as I have never seen a man fight before. You may have battled beyond your ability today, but this is not so strange. Men have been known to do that on the battlefield.”

Justan smiled. “Perhaps you're right. But even so, I still think that there is more to what happened today than that.”

“I believe that what we saw today was a glimpse of your potential, Justan. You have it in you to be a great warrior. I have known this from the very beginning. Lately you have begun removing the blocks within you that have been holding you back.”

They got their plates and as they went to sit down, realized that all of the trainees in the room were staring at them. Someone started clapping. Soon, everyone had joined in.

Justan’s face went red. He had come from a crowd of thousands calling his name, but somehow this was more personal. For years he had felt like he didn’t belong with the other trainees. Now they were treating him like he was a hero.

He thanked them and tried to smile, but after a few minutes he had to get out of there. He couldn’t eat with all of those people watching him. Justan and Jhonate left, leaving their plates mostly untouched.

As they walked away from the kitchen, an academy guard ran up to them. He spoke to Justan.

“Here you are. I have been looking for you all over the training grounds. The council wishes to speak with you.”

“Uh . . . alright,” Justan said in surprise. “But would it be okay if my trainer came along?”

The guard looked at her and nodded, but as Justan and Jhonate started toward the council tent, the guard stopped them again.

“Not the Training School Council.” He pointed towards the towering walls of the academy. “Come, this way.”

Justan was taken aback. He had expected the Academy council to want to see him sooner or later because of his contract, but not this soon.

 As they walked, Justan developed a frightening theory.  Somehow they might have found out that he had gone into the city while looking for Jhonate. Since his contract was with the Academy and not the Training School, his discipline would be under their jurisdiction. His heart went cold in his chest.

Jhonate seemed to know what he was thinking. She put her hand on his shoulder. “All may not be as it seems. Do not worry. The council will explain when we get there.” For all of the comfort in her voice, her eyes looked worried, too.

They crossed through the barracks and classrooms. People shouted to Justan and he waved back politely, but he wasn’t enjoying the attention. They navigated the bustle of the Training Market in the fading daylight and Justan stopped at the city line. They would have to pass through the city to enter the main entrance of the Academy.

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