Chapter 5

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Gunners POV-

**Now before anyone starts, II do not mean to be racist in this chapter so sorry if I somehow am!**

If you didn't know, I am Mexican. and I haven't actually came out to my parents yet. So that has been bugging me. Alot of people would say that the longer you wait the more you will stress so just do it and get it over with because most parents are fine with it. But not mine. See, my dad sees that if I'm gay, that is a disgrace to our family because somehow its lessening my chance of children, which I get because two males that aren't unofficially trans or are a hermaphrodite cannot give birth. So therefore in my dads eyes, if two males get together and one is from our family that is considered a waste. now I don't agree because we can adopt but my dad doesn't see it that way.

So I'm hoping that if I tell my mum then she can somehow calm my dad down.

Now, in this house, their are three bedrooms, their is my mum and dads bedroom, my brothers bedroom and mine and tanners room. Now in mine and tanners bedroom, their are two double beds almost across from each other. Like this:

 Like this:

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Tanners POV-

I had just gotten up and so had gunner and he had got dressed and was currently siting on his bed on his phone probably texting Woods. I got dressed into a tank top and some jeans ( pic below ) and sat down on my bed.

 I go over to gunne and sit next to him, as he looks up at me with a nervous expression

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 I go over to gunne and sit next to him, as he looks up at me with a nervous expression. "Are you telling them today?" I ask him. He cautiosly nods, and says " I'm scared tanner, what they kick me out?" "Don't worry, they won't. Gunner I'll stop them." I smile warmly to Gunner as I reassure him.

Gunners POV-

Tanner calmed me down and I timidly walked out into the kitchen alongside tanner.

"Mom, Dad?"

"yes mija?" Replies mum, dad just turns to me and grunts slightly.

"I-I need to tell you guys something...P-Please don't be mad!" I say, my heart racing with fear.

"Go on, spit it out." dad says.

"O-Ok, so... um .. I know that you guys are probably disapointed with me for this but all I ask of you guys is just please accept me... because...I-i-i'm...."

I hesitate.

My mum looks at me with concerned eyes and my dad look angry or annoyed.

There is a short silence before I break it with two words.

"Im gay." I say, looking down at the floor as I do.

MY mum stand there in shock while my dad yells out " 

¿Que demonios? ¿De Verdad? Te decepcionas! ¡Eres asqueroso! ¿Como pudiste? Yo debo a-  "

(What the hell? really? You disappointment! You are disgusting! How could you? I ought to-)

Before my mum cuts him off. sh walks towards me and hugs me, holding her finger up behind her to signal my dad to be quiet. She pulls away and kisses me on the forehead, reassuring me that its OK, and that they won't kick me out but for me to stay away from dad for a bit because he will be angry.

Thats all for now! Should I continue? comment if I should keep updating.

BAIII My little dinosuars!

Words- 569 (noice)


Gunner Gomez x Woodland DemarsWhere stories live. Discover now