It's something about him

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Seunghoon POV

I really think we're going to keep this friendship for a long time, she looks too innocent to break this friendship I have with her. "Y/n?", I asked her. "Yeah?", she looked at me with curious eyes. " I've seen you dance on tv shows and I thought know...", "you want me to dance for you?", she asked me. I feel really embarrassed right now and all I could do was just nod my head.

( Just watch the video above and imagine your the girl with the cap on)


I finished dancing and heard loud claps coming from Seunghoon, I look in front of me and saw him sitting on the floor smiling and clapping like a little child, I couldn't help myself but slightly smile at him. I bowed down and said " thank you, Seunghoon", he looked away and sighed. Oh god, what did I do this time? "Did I say something wrong? If I did, I'm really sorry". I bowed my head and he looked at me with a smile, " don't worry, Y/n! You didn't say anything wrong! It's just that...I don't want you to call me Seunghoon all the time...". I didn't get his idea of not calling him by his name, like, you want me to call you extra af dancing boy? I don't think so. " oh, then what should I call you?", I asked him, " can me...Hoony...please?". Omo! Hoony is such a cute name! Omg, where did he get it from?! " Umm...sure!", I gave him my gummy smile. That was a mistake. After my break up with Jay, I never let anyone see my gummy smile, well, except for Jiyong. I just would give them a cute ear to ear smile and I would think that that would be enough.

Oh god, help me!! What do I do?! I gave him that smile!! That damn gummy smile!! Great going Y/n, you make your parents proud!

I stood up and hung my head low while saying " I'm sorry, I should be leaving now and it's getting late...", I gently picked up my purse and headed towards the door, I was at the door, about to open it until I heard his voice. " You think this is a mistake, don't you? Let me tell you something, every guy is different and when you girls go through 2 break ups, you say we're the same. But you girls choose if you wanna date again or please...still be my friend even if you made the wrong move, because no matter what you say or do, I'll always forgive you...", he said it with sincere eyes and it made my whole life turn upside down. I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying like the world was going to end and I turned my head to my right shoulder, then I said " I'm sorry, Hoony...".

I started crying even more while walking to the exit and when I stepped outside, I breathed in the night air hesitating while doing so, I then felt the tears eagerly trying to come out of my eyes so I let them be. I kneeled on the ground and cried my heart out.

I want to know what these feelings are!!

Why did my body and mind make me give him that smile?!

Why did I have to cry in front of him?!

I wanna know if these feelings are of love or not!!

Like god had heard my words, Dara came rushing towards me in full panic mode. " Y/n/n!! What happened?! Please tell me!!", she pleaded.

Y/n/n - Your nick name

" I g-gave Hoony m-my s-smile!", I had a really difficult time trying to get these words to come out from my mouth. Dara gasped loudly, " Y/n.. you haven't given anyone, except your brother, that smile in 4 years...". I couldn't think straight anymore.

I hugged her real tight and cried my eyes out, " it's ok, Y/n, just let it all out. I'm here for you."
Dara said to me in a soothing tone which, surprisingly, made me calm down a bit. I said thank you to Dara, I don't how many times. " Are you sure you can go home by yourself? You know, I can drive you there. " No, really Dara, it's ok. I don't want you to stress yourself out because of me, so I'll go first. Bye unnie!", I waved at her after I said bye, " bye Y/n/n! Aishh...this girl, haha".

I was walking to my house and I took out my phone to check the time. And, Jesus, it was 12:57 pm. I started to speed walk to my house until I forgot that I have to walk in this dark and scary ally way, when I got to the ally way, I put my back against the wall and sighed heavily 'let's go!' I said in my head. I then started walking...until I saw 2 tall figures smoking and doing drugs. Well fuck, I'm going to be screwed tonight.

A/n: ok, so I tried to make this chapter today and I'm really sorry that if it's kinda or REALLY short!! 😔 I tried my best to make this chapter today because I'm going to be busy with school in a couple of days and I need to do my revision and homework ( I still haven't done my homework even though I had a full week to do it, kekeke 😏). Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll also try and put Hoony in the next chapter!! Bye guys and I love ya'll!! 🖤😘🖤

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