Mizael Iliosyne

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Last name| Iliosyne

First name| Mizael

Nickname(s)| Zael-kun

Sex| Male

Race/Species| Sun Guardian(Immortal)

Age| 19 (physically)

Status| Alive

Birthday| August 1st

Sign| Leo

Height| 132cm (6'0")

Weight| 55 kg ( 121 lbs)

Eye color| Gold

Skin color| Pale Ivory

Hair color| Cerulean blue

Personality| Domineering, prideful, arrogant, intellectual, coy, sly, cunning, misleading, narcissist, cold, decisive, sarcastic, caring, responsible, kind and loving

Hobbies| Archery, sword fighting, acting, playing(all kind of instruments), sports, painting, talking with spirits, reading, sleeping, watching humans dreams

Occupation(s)| Sun guardian and 3rd year high school

Abilities| Anything that involves light and fire

Son of the 'Maiden loved by the Sun', Rhitta

Bio| To be revealed soon

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