5| Fight

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Aizawa motioned for the kid and me to walk into a field, facing each other.
Bakugou stared me down as I stretched my arms a bit.

"Who wants to bet?! I'm betting 20 that Bakugou can't even land a hit!" A guy, with blonde hair and a black thunder in it, yelled.

"Kaminari! Good idea! I'm betting that he can land at least one hit!" A boy with spiky red hair yelled back.

"Hmmm..." I looked at the kids as some started putting up bets. I was rather dissatisfied with hearing that a lot thought that this kid could harm me.

"Don't get distracted Dropout, I'm where your eyes should be!" The kid snarled at me and I clenched my fist.

"Calm down Y/n. You're a teacher now, he's one of your students now. He's almost half your age. He's a kid. Don't kill him because of his foul mouth." I mumbled to myself as I tried to calm down.

It's not good to think irrationally during a fight. I'll have to stay professional. I'll try to not hurt him, but I sure will give him a good beating.
That brat.

"Oh don't worry kid. Before you act full of yourself," I tilted my head at him mockingly. "get a hit on me first."

I smirked as I saw him getting fed up about it. The way he is starting to act already shows me that he won't think about a plan.

"Maybe a hit will be too hard?" I tried to provoke him more. "Try getting a scratch on me before we talk about getting a clean punch."

He clenched his fists and they started smoking.
I rose my brow a bit and hummed.

"Bakugou, no quirks!" Aizawa yelled and the boy stopped his hands from smoking.

I already started to analyze him.
Has a bad temper, will have to work on that. He gets provoked way too easy.

"We'll be starting then." Aizawa sighed softly.

I squinted my eyes and went into a lower stance than I had just now.
Bakugou was running at me, not caring to think this through.

I analyzed his body and nodded to myself.
He has a good physical body, if he complies to actually training without quirk he'd be a prefect exemplar.

He pulled his right hand back as he neared me. I stood completely still and he thought that he had me where he wanted me. His smirk was saying everything.

Should work on his poker face, can actually tell your opponent a lot of what you're planning.

His fist flew centimeters past my face as I dodged out of the way and saw his eyes widen.
With swift movements I turned and propelled him a few meters away with a kick to his gut.

The other students whistled and Bakugou coughed as he stood up again.

He has good reactions, since he managed to pillow my kick to his stomach with his arm.
He also made sure to land carefully, not to get hurt even more.

He started to run at me again, this time I only went out of the way of his punches and kicks.
My silent treatment and unresponsiveness to his advances had to make him crazy.
I just really focused on analyzing him.

"DONT JUST DODGE YOU BITCH! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO AS A DROPOUT?!!" He yelled as he kept throwing punches at me.

To respond to him at least a bit I slowly stopped to dodge and started deflecting his attacks.
They got sloppier as time passed by but I really liked his stance and the fierceness of his punches and kicks.

Subconsciously I grinned to myself, he would make a great hero if he would work on his temper a bit and his strategy.

"Take it to an end!" Aizawa shouted, making sure that this battle wouldn't take the whole time of the training.

"With pleasure." I said as I threw Bakugou a few meters away.

He started to approach me again as I took in the stance to run at him.
His eyes widened and I could see him tense a bit.

I can't blame him. He's a smart kid.
He realized that he was getting out of breath and that I barely broken a sweat.
Yet he kept charging.

A punch from his right as expected. I pulled my head to the side and grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward, making him stumble.
I kicked his legs away and he flew to the ground.

I pulled his wrist behind his back and restrained his legs with one of my own. His left arm got secured by my other leg and with my free hand I pushed his face into the ground.

His eyes widened as it happened all way too fast for him, and the students watching.
I leaned down to his ear.
"You couldn't even get a scratch on me."

He growled and smoke emitted from his hands. I pulled his arm behind his back a bit tighter and shook my head as he whimpered a bit.
"No quirks."

"Okay, that's enough!" Aizawa shouted from the place he stood and the kids started cheering and shouting.

I released the kid under me and stood up. I offered him my hand and he stared at me.

"What's your name?" I asked and he furrowed his brows.

"Katsuki Bakugou." He said. Swallowing his pride he took my hand and I helped him up.

"Mhm, I like you." I grinned at him.

He blushed a bit. "Huh?"

"You have great potential and while analyzing you I really got the urge to get you into top form!" I grinned brighter.

His blush didn't fade as he looked away, from me and the opposite direction of his class, with a small pout.
"I'm looking forward to learn from you."

I ruffled his hair and hummed, satisfied by his response.


A/n: I don't care what you guys say, Katsuki is actually a soft boy and that's it.

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