23| Husband package

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I stirred awake as the pain got too much to just ignore.
With a groan I pulled away from the warm body besides me and stared at the ceiling with half open eyes.

It was still dark outside or maybe has it gotten dark just recently? I can't remember after how many rounds we fell asleep or if the sun was still up by then.
I turned my head to the side and narrowed my eyes to see the clock better.


I guess I slept for longer than I expected. With another groan I sat up and hissed in pain. Jolts traveled through my body from my lower back.

"You alright?" a gruff voice spoke from beside me and I felt a bit guilty about waking him up.

"No." I sighed as I tried to massage my aching back without wincing.
"It feels like you broke my back."
And with the moonlight that poured into my room I could catch a satisfied smirk flash onto his face.
"You're a bastard."

"Hey, I just did what you asked me of." he sat up as well and leaned into my face.
"Fuck you senseless."

A dark red hue covered my face at the memory of him fullfilling all of the wishes that I spouted.
I lightly bit my lip and looked away from him, only making him chuckle before grabbing my chin and turning my face back to him.

"You're getting flustered now?" he asked amused, making me pout.

"Shut up..." I mumbled and he only smiled before kissing me gently.

"I'll draw a warm bath for you and then give you a massage, how about that?" he muttered against my lips and I hummed, liking the sound of it.
"Then lay back down, alright?"

I hummed again, stealing another kiss from him before lying back down, careful to not stir up too much pain.
"I'm grateful that I don't have to go to work today..."
I mumbled as I relaxed into my pillows.

Shouta pulled a hair strand from my face and gave me a small smile.
"Don't forget we are going on a training camp trip with the brats tomorrow."
He stood up from the bed and put on his boxers.

"I think you just ruined my mood for today." I huffed and watched him walk towards my bathroom and bit my lip to prevent a grin.
"But that aside, how's your back?"

He looked over his shoulder and smirked at me.
"Quite alright. I just didn't take you for a scratcher though."

"I'd apologise but it seemed like you really enjoyed that." I said uninteressted as I inspected my nails, just to find them a bit bloody.
I guess I drew some blood unintentionally.

Shouta didn't say anything back to me and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before I heard him fill the tub with water.
He walked back into the room and looked for his pants, or well, the pants he borrowed from me.

Since his shirt was somewhere in the living room he didn't have a choice but go shirtless until he retrieves it. I hummed and without an ounce of shame I took in his well sculpted body.

"Like what you see?" He interrupted my thoughts before they could drift off to somewhere naughty.

"I think that's obvious by now?" I answered without taking my eyes from his abs.
"How's my bath going?"

"Just about ready, can you stand?" he asked as he glanced into the bathroom.

"With how numb my legs are and in what pain my back is, I presume not." I hummed, tracing his back muscles with my eyes. I admired my work. Deep red scratches on his whole back and some even peeked out of his pants.

"I guess it can't be helped then." he mumbled before disappearing into the bathroom as he probably turned off the water before he walked back out and to my side of the bed. He pulled the covers off me and let his eyes wander for a bit with a grin before he placed his arms under me and picked me up.
"There, feel like a princess yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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