Falling in love at coffee shop

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It's raining outside. The winter already started and the rain makes everything looks really cold.

The street is empty, everyone find their own shelter from the cold rain. Some small shops closing early due to short of customers.

He is enjoying himself staring outside from the window of the old coffee shop in the alley. It's actually nothing to see but he feels ease do that. The rain getting heavier like clouds really sad today. 'She' is crying hard.

He is smirking on his own thought, feeling funny how he can be this melancholy matching the weather. He is feeling different today.

He take a sip of his hot americano without move his eyes from window when suddenly seeing a petite figure wearing large black long winter coat running in the rain with small step towards the coffee shop.


The bell on the door is ringing give a sign someone is coming and here are that petite figure with that large long black coat..

...and 'it' is she...smiling widely, crinkling her nose with rosey cheeks.

'She is cute...'

...and when she open her hoddie, he can see clearly her round brown eyes blinking like the stars. That's beautiful smile never left her face..

'..and gorgeous'

"Good evening, auntie. I'm sorry for coming here with this wet...the rain is getting heavier outside. If you don't mind can i sit here? and of course i will buy your drink.."

Her voice so smooth like lullaby on his ears. He is smiling unconsciously.

"Of course little girl! Give me your coat, i will dry it for you and what do you want for drink?"

The old woman at the counter is also the owner of this old coffee shop such a nice person. She and his husband running this old coffee shop for years and it's become his favourite hideout place.

"Thank you auntie. Just give me hot chocolate and that apple pie."

She is turning to take a looks around the coffee shop and our eyes meet, it's actually just two of us is the customers on that evening. Everything seems like freezing for a while, only us and the sound of the rain.

She is nodding her head and give him small smile sound like, 'Hi,there..' to him.
He is just nodding back to her and he is not sure if he smiling or not because his mind busy mesmerising her looks.

She is now moving from the counter to take the seat at the other corner of the shop near the window but still fronting him like giving him another chance to take a look of her.

But she's looks doesn't even bother to try something to catch his attention. She is natural. She is in her world, talking to someone on the phone maybe her friend, taking out her tablet and some books from her bag which looks little wet. Drying it with her scarf clumsily.

Every her moves now his favourite view. He forgot the rain outside. All his attention to that small girl who giggling softly and make her eyes sometimes gone for awhile and appear back shiningly.

"Here your order...and what is your name little girl?"

The old man also the owner bring her order and he somehow reading his mind asking the same question to her make he smirking like he winning something.

"Yue, Shen Yue..."


"Oh, you're the moon!! The beautiful one! I thought that we will losing our moon tonight because of rain but the beautiful moon come to us! hahaha... enjoy your meal girl!"

She is laughing together with the old man owner and it's  become his favourite song instantly.

His phone vibrating from his pocket disturbing his focus to the moon.

"Dylan, i'm already here..."

"Ugh, why so fast?? Give me 5 minutes.."

He is drinking his last sips of his coffee before standing from the seat without forget grabbing his umbrella. After makes his and of course her payment, then walking toward that girl who not even aware of him coming to her because she is too focusing on her book.

"Hi Yue...can i borrow your phone for a while?"

"..oh...? H-how...hmm...S-sure..." Her round brown eyes staring up to him looks astounding.

"Thank you and i will left this umbrella for you. Please use it well and return to me later,ok?"

"..er...i-i don't..."

"Just for your info, this my favourite umbrella. Please make sure keep it well and return back to me safely,ok? till we meet again, moon...goodbye.."

He left her with his most charming smile and she's looks dumbfounded. When he glancing back to her, she is smirking with phone on her hand, reading something on it.

Your 🌞 - 0xx 786xx764


"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you"


Inspired by Song : Falling In Love At Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg

Writing is really hard, just please ignore my grammatical errors. Enjoy ;)

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