It was Always You

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He is sitting in front of drunk girl who sleeping unbothered in the sushi restaurant. She seems doesn't care when she is top actress. Luckily, her spot is hidden blocked by half japanese curtain and there's not much customers because it's almost closing hour.

There's her favourite fine dining dish which barely touched and a half emptied bottle of sake on her table.

"Hey Yue, wake up! You can't sleep here...Come on, wake up!" He is trying his best to wake her up by shaking her shoulder gently.

".....hmmm...hmm?? Wang Hedi?? Hi...long time no see buddy!!" He quickly shut her mouth with his palm before the whole restaurant know the they are there.

"...sshhh...let's do greeting later, just come with me...please keep quiet Yue, don't make a scene ok?"

He is now carrying her on his back exiting the restaurant to his van after make the payment.

"Is she ok?" His manager waiting them inside the van looks worried.

"I think so, she's just sleeping there..ugh, this girl..."

He slowly move her hair which blocking her small face, her hair getting longer. She is rarely keep her hair longer than shoulder. She is indeed short hair queen. Now her hair is longer and passed her shoulder, maybe for her new movie which required that looks.

"Bro, just drive us to my apartment.."

He is still adjusting her position to make her sleep comfortably but this girl just can sleep in any position and place when she is exhausting.

"Just confess dummy! Don't let someone steal her again from you.."

His manager who is watching him from rear view mirror make him startled.

"What?? we're friends,buddies! Confess what? Don't think too much, bro.."

He is now avoiding that stares by watching outside and scratching his nape.

"Stop with that denial!! It's almost 6 years,Di! Buddies my foot!! Your action to her is everything. Can you looks yourself how worry you are earlier? Confess or you will see her slipping to others again..."

Yes, he is the one who got crush on her. It's been too long. But they're never talking about this even his and Yue personality is very straightforward. It's like taboo subject to talk about.

He is trying his best to keep her as his best friend or buddies but he keep falling deeper. She is just simply irresistible. She is weird, she is gentle but hard sometimes, she is cool with everything, she's is smart and dumb at same time. Her eyes can speak to him without word, her smile will healed him anyway. Her voice will melting his heart and it's his favourite music so far.

He keep with his denials and he even trying be with somebody else but just simply can't. He will automatically compare the girl to his Yue and he still like his moon so much.

When he know that Yue is in relationship with someone else, he is broken-hearted alone and its so pathetic that is just unrequited love. But he can't lose her as a friend. He trying his best to control his mind and heart being a real good friend.

After arrived to his parking area and saying goodbye to his manager, he is carrying Yue on his back again to go upstairs to his apartment.

Yue still sleeping soundly like nothing can bothered her right now and sometimes she will mumbling indistinctly.


Her head feels heavy, her eyes can't open properly. She is taking her time to make her body familiar again before waking up from the bed.

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