Conversation 3

171 13 15

JiminFallon: Yo!

JiminFallon: Ayoooo

JiminFallon: Bruh 

JiminFallon: YoohOOooo😮

Junglecook: Wtf do you want from me??

JiminFallon: Finally you replied.😃😃 Nm just wanna annoy you 😬

Junglecook: Do you honestly have nothing better to do?

JiminFallon: Hmmmmmmm not really.. I've rehearsed my choreo, done my chores, annoyed my friends and now here I am.😌

Junglecook: Dance choreo?

JiminFallon: Yah, I'm studying performing arts. We have a theatre show coming up😅😅😅😅

Junglecook: Oh, same here 

JiminFallon: Oooh! We got dat in common.. What's your style of dance?

Junglecook: Hip Hop and a bit of street. You?

JiminFallon: OOOOoooh look who's finally interested in me😏😏 I do ballet/contemporary but I can do Hip Hop too 

Junglecook: You talk so informally to me. We don't even know each can you be so comfortable?

JiminFallon: Well, we're texting so that helps. I'm a pretty outgoing person but you got a point. If we met in real life, I wouldn't be this comfortable 

Junglecook: This is real life.😐 We've not travelled to some alternate universe, although sometimes I wish I could 

JiminFallon: Why?

Junglecook: Not important. 

JiminFallon: oh okay. So where are you from?

Junglecook: Don't wanna say 

JiminFallon: Oh come on, live a little, JuNgBoOk 😁

Junglecook: What if I don't want to?

JiminFallon: What's that supposed to mean? 

Junglecook: Nothing. Never mind

JiminFallon: Let's just start over? Get to know each other? 🤔🤔

Junglecook: Why?

JiminFallon: Because I said so 😐

Junglecook: That means nothing to me 

JiminFallon: It should, I'm your hyung! 😠

Junglecook: Whatever.

JiminFallon: okaaaay, so I'm  Park Jimin but you can call me anytime you want😉 I'm 23, from Busan and I live the homo life but trust me, you don't choose the homo life, the homo life chooses you. Tru story.

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