Conversation 5

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JiminFallon: Hiiiiii! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

JiminFallon: Guess what happened today???😅😅😅

Junglecook: What?

JiminFallon: Guess...🙄

Junglecook: You brushed your teeth but then saw some leftover pizza in the fridge and got stuck in the dilemma of eating it or not?

JiminFallon: I- 

JiminFallon: Why would I-

JiminFallon: Boiii, in that case, there would be no dilemma. I'd dive in for the pizza 🍕🍕🍕🤤

Junglecook: You make some valid points 🤔

JiminFallon: You're agreeing on something with me. THIS IS PROGRESS! 

Junglecook: Progress in what exactly? 🤨🤨🤨

JiminFallon: Our budding friendship, what else? 

Unintentionally, a grin took its place on Jungkook's face. That simple statement brought joy to him, making him anticipate the days where he and Jimin can share their thoughts and feelings with no filter. But today is not that day. The younger male still needs time to adjust, time to connect with Jimin on a deeper level. 

Sure, Jungkook has many friends, some he even considers his best friends, but Jimin seems like something else entirely. With all the conflicting, wild and unpredictable thoughts which swarm in his mind on a daily basis, Jungkook could never bring himself to open up to his friends. Instead, he buries all of that somewhere at the back of his mind and engages in the silly antics his friends get up to whenever they get together. He never felt the need to open up to them. But as cliche, as it sounds, it's him and not them. 

For some reason though, Jungkook's heart urges him to open up to the boy he's only been speaking to for a week - perhaps it's because Jimin is not a tangible thing in Jungkook's life right now. He's just a name, a blank face behind a screen, and that is what's putting Jungkook's doubts at ease. Even if Jimin does not respond to Jungkook the way the younger imagines, it makes no difference. Jungkook can stay satisfied with his imagination. 

One way or another, Jungkook always finds a way to criticise himself. But then there's Jimin - so carefree and buoyancy. It's refreshing for Jungkook. But for Jungkook, it's exhausting when even perfection isn't perfect enough. Worst of all, it breaks him down when something goes wrong, rendering him down to tears. But then there's Jimin - someone Jungkook sees as the type of man he wants to be. Enjoying the little things, and caring less about the exact same, little things. 

Junglecook: Are we friends now?

JiminFallon: I mean...We're online friends, aren't we? 🤗

Junglecook: I don't know. I've never really had an "Online friend" before..

JiminFallon: OH? So I'm your first? 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

JiminFallon: Well no wonder you're such a noob. Basically my darling, this is how online friends behave. They become besties even if they don't know the absolute BASICS about each other. Girls become gay, dudes become gay, gays become gayer and Jesus leaves the chat. 😬

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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