Chapter 3(redone)

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"Fred this, George that! So and so this, so and so that! Why is everyone so attached to boys suddenly?" I moaned as I collapsed in my bed after another day of everyone ranting about their boyfriends.
"I don't have a boyfriend." A voice said and I looked up. Across from my bed was a girl, blonde hair with green tips, green eyes and she wore a pair of short shorts and a tank top. I believe her name is Isabelle.
"No, you have a girlfriend. What are you doing in here?" I asked hesitantly and she laughed.
"Autumn? She's just a friend. You're Gina, right?" She asked with a light smile.
"Why are you here?" I repeated.
"To get to know you. Every speaks so highly of you, I just wanted to meet you." She said, leaning against the door and sliding to the ground as though she was going to be there a while.
"You met me," I said with a small grin and she chuckled.
"I have, I know what your name is, but who are you?" She asked and I hesitated. I actually didn't know. I mean I can rattle off favorites and what books I like, what house I'm in, but who was I?
"I'm a lesbian, I'm a nerd, I'm chatty, I'm hoping to be a nurse." I finally said. Isabelle nodded and shifted to make herself more comfortable. I sat up and patted the bed next to me. "You can sit with me if you want." She grinned and bounded over, plopping down beside me.
"Who are you?" I asked, returning her question.
"Unexplored territory," her response was immediate, as though she had heard this question a few times.
"What do you mean?"
"I've never dated anyone, I don't know what I want to be, I really only hang out with Autumn, I'm unexplored." She stated matter of factly and I smiled.
"I like that, and while I enjoy talking to you, you should probably be heading to your dorm soon. You don't want to get in trouble," I said with a smile, gently nudging her with my shoulder. Isabelle nodded and kissed my cheek quickly before leaving. I lay back, and listened as everyone else shuffled in slowly, put on their night clothes and snuggled in. They exchanged good night's, and I pretended to be asleep while thinking about her. Izzy, I decided to call her, had never spoken to me before, had snuck into my dorm and had kissed me after our first meeting. Most people don't do that, but I hadn't found it as creepy as I should have. It was kind of nice, finally having a girl show some interest in me. There may have been a muggle girl who moved in next door to me over the summer, but she didn't really count. We aimlessly flirted but I don't think either of us really wanted to date the other. Izzy had hunted me down though, specifically looking to talk to me.
I rolled over and saw Hailey, her eyes closed, hair sprawled across her pillow like water pooling on a hard floor. She looked so peaceful there, so calm, unlike when she was bouncing off walls with excitement, talking about Fred or some other guy. I imagine Izzy wouldn't be that peaceful sleeping, she had bounced too much. Radiated too much energy. I sighed and stared at Hailey for a moment longer before realizing it was creepy and rolling over, fighting to fall asleep, but it didn't come easy.
"Gina! Over here!" I glanced over and saw Izzy waving at me from the Hufflepuff table. I smiled, waved to Hailey and walked over. I pretended not to notice her slightly crestfallen face as I left her too. Marissa hadn't sat with us in a while and Hailey had dropped Harry after like two seconds, deeming him too young, so she was feeling a little left out, unusual for such a flirty girl. However, when she went over and sat with Fred, I definitely wished I'd gone over there.
"You like her." It was a statement, not a question. I glanced at Izzy, who was staring up at me. I hadn't sat down yet and was still just standing there looking at Hailey. I figured, given the circumstances, I should probably just be honest. 
"Yes, I do. I've liked her for a while, but in case you hadn't noticed, she's only the straightest of straight people around." I said, glancing at her again before finally sitting next to Izzy.
"So move on," she said plainly. I sorta stared at her for a second. Maybe she didn't know how this worked.
"It's not that easy," I said with a sigh. I didn't want to go through a lengthy explanation of why I liked Hailey and couldn't seem to like another girl. No matter how much they flirted. 
"Sure it is, see?" She reached over, placed a gentle hand on my cheek and kissed me. For some odd reason I found myself kissing her back. It was weird, not the kiss, but the fact that I I didn't know her. Part of me knew it was because Hailey didn't like me, but the other part wanted to like Izzy. Wanted to like someone who wasn't obsessively straight. "See? Not so hard," Izzy sounded out of breath, and had a goofy smile on her face.
"Not so hard." I repeated to myself. It wasn't true, but part of me wanted to believe it. Actually, most of me wanted to believe it.
"Are we dating now?" Izzy asked, and my eyes widened, I'd kissed her, but I barely knew the girl.
"I don't think so" I said slowly. "No offense, but I hardly know you."
"I know, I don't know you either silly. I was joking." Izzy said with a laugh, gently shoving my shoulder. "But, maybe we could get to each other?" 
"I'd like that," I said honestly. She seemed very happy and chatty and fun. I could do with another friend anyhow.
"Yay!" She cried, and sounded like little kid who was just handed a lollipop. "So, what's your first class, so I can walk with you?" She asked excitedly. I smiled, she was definitely going to be afun one. 
"Uhhh, potions." I said, after a moment of thought, and she grinned, grabbed my hand and started skipping down the hallway. I stopped to wave and say hi to a bunch of people, but Izzy didn't like that much and pouted whenever we stopped. She even commented on how boring these people were at one point. I had to pull her aside and tell her that she couldn't have me all to herself and she couldn't be rude to my friends either. Fifteen minutes in and I already knew this friendship would end before the day did. Unless I ended her life first. Honestly, the girl had stalked me, chatted away and kissed me, but I wasn't allowed to say hi to everyone. 
"We're here!" She chirped and kissed my cheek before leaving for her class. I glared at her back as she skipped away, hoping no one had seen that. I was going to need to find a way to get her gone. Or accept that I was gonna talk to people, a lot.
"Oooooh! Gina's got a girlfriend!" Hailey called as she walked past, giving me a wicked grin. I did notice that she lacked a certain red head, but didn't say anything.
"No, no I don't," I scolded and she just grinned at me. I shook my head at her, allowing her to think I had a girlfriend couldn't hurt. Unless she told everyone and I had to explain to Lizzy that I couldn't stand how she'd treated my friends on the way to class. I'll just hope she doesn't try to walk me to my next class.

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