Chapter 4

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One morning sprang bright and early, and I was up with the sun. I knew that tomorrow was Halloween. With Hailey in an official relationship with Fred, I figured they'd do a couples costume, and honestly so would George and Marissa. Thankfully, Izzy was no longer a nuisance I had to tolerate. I talked to her about insulting people in the hallways, and she'd shrugged it off and ignored me since. Only Hailey had questioned it and she'd dropped the subject when I shrugged off an answer. 
With a wide grin I opened my mouth and screamed "good morning!" To my dorm room. Marissa moaned, and rolled over, putting a pillow over her face. I made a pouty face and sighed. 
"Come on, tomorrow is Halloween, and I wanna have fun!" I begged, hoping they'd hear the desperation and get their butts out of bed. I needed a friendly day of shopping to distract me from life in general. 
"It's Saturday, let us sleep," Hailey grumbled into her pillow. Making a face at them, I flicked my wrist, opening the window by their beds.
"That's cold!" Marissa cried, and shrieked, making a grab for her covers which I threw across the room with another flick, doing the same to Hailey's covers.
"You can have cookies for breakfast," I offered in my best sing-song voice. I had snatched some from the kitchen, knowing that Marissa would kill for fresh baked cookies. A simple warming spell kept them toasty over night. 
"You're lying. They don't serve cookies at breakfast," she grumbled into her pillow. I pulled out the bag, swinging it in her face. The smell got her to look up and she practically flew out of bed. "Oh! I'll be ready in a second!" She cried, dashing off to the bathroom. A satisfied smile on my face. I turned toward Hails. 
"Your turn!" I cried happily to the sleeping mass. Of course she'd already fallen asleep again. "Guess what," I whispered in her ear, making her scream and fall on the floor. 
"You turd! I'll get you for that! Ow," she mumbled, rubbing her arm. "That is so beyond cheating. Let me sleep!" Hailey cried miserably, but one look at my face she sighed and followed Marissa to the showers. I grinned proudly and quickly got ready.
Ten minutes later my two best friends had convinced me to let the twins come along for our day at Hogsmeade. Heading to the dining hall, with Marissa scarfing down her cookies, we passed the twins. George greeted Marissa and I started to dismiss him before suddenly turning back to him and Fred. 
""Ignore him, actually wait! George would you and Fred like to join us for a while? We're going costume hunting!" I cried happily, ignore the shocked look on Hailey's face and her cry of "we're WHAT?"
"Costume shopping, keep up." I said with a grin aimed at Hails. "Are you two coming?" I asked the twin expectantly. 
"I suppose," Fred said, wearing that look that said he was ready to ditch Hailey, but didn't want to break up with her just yet. Hailey and I started bantering as we walked to the table, where Marissa immediately ditched us for George. I saw her say something to him and they started laughing. Marissa fell of her chair, and I rolled my eyes. She liked him. 
I saw Marissa's mom rush over and saw how upset Marissa got when she saw her mom. I sighed, wishing I could go comfort Marissa. 
"Earth to Gina!" Hailey said teasingly, but I could see the worry in her eyes as well. 
"Sorry," I said softly, but she waved it off with a knowing smile. We both knew about Marissa's mom, but Fred had just arrived so we didn't talk about it. 
Standing up, we went and got Marissa and George, ready to go shopping. 
As we walked to Hogsmeade, I realised I'd forgotten a jacket, George offered me his, winking at me. I made a gagging face at him, but he just grinned. Honestly, I was kind of surprised Marissa could like a guy like George. She was so uptight most of the time, and usually looked down on Gryffindors. I dismissed it as Hailey screeched about wanting to go into some shop, dragging us all behind her. Hailey and I ran around, throwing piles of costumes at Fred for him to hold. I saw Marissa and George get a ladybug and bumblebee costume, which made me roll my eyes. The costumes were so simple and boring. They left, leaving me with Hailey and Fred. 
I think I tried on about seventeen costumes, hailey and I even trying on matching costumes at one point. I thought it would be cute, if we wore matching costumes or couples costumes, but Hailey thought Fred would be upset. I figured I shouldn't tell her that he wasn't interested anymore. Not that Hailey was all that interested in Fred. 
Finally, we decided on costumes. I was an evil looking vampire queen and Hailey was a swan, and she looked really pretty in the white costume. Once we paid, the three of us joined George and Marissa in the Three Broomsticks, my mind wandering as the four were talking. 
"Earth to Gina!" Hailey said, for the second time that day. I winced and refocused. 
"What's up?" I asked, hoping it wasn't anything I desperately needed to pay attention to, but they were all staring at me.
"We asked who that girl was. The one who kissed you," Marissa said, shaking her head but smiling. Marissa knew my mind drifted and often found it amusing, especially when i was called on in class. I knew the answer every time, but the professor had to repeat the question every time.
"Izzy. She's the year under us in Hufflepuff, friends with Autumn." I said, hoping they'd drop it. I didn't want to talk about her right now. Or ever.
"Did someone say my name?" Asked a bubbly voice, and I swear I felt myself pale. 
"Hey Izzy," I said hesitantly, turning around. Izzy was wearing a tank top, somehow, seeing as it was freezing outside, and the tips of her hair were now purple not green. 
"Hey Gina, it's been a while! How's it going?" She asked, sliding into the booth next to me. "I know, it's my fault. I was kinda rude to all of those people and I get that you're a very social person and blah blah blah. I really am sorry about that. Hey! Aren't you two the Weasley twins? People talk about you a lot, since you're Ron's big brothers and all. I hear you guys are pranksters too, but honestly I think it's cool that you guys come up with all this stuff yourselves. I mean, unless you're like that one professor we had last year, I mean he was crazy!" Izzy said, making a face and winding her fingers around her head in a way that indicated he was coo-coo. "And you two must be Hailey and Marissa! Honestly in like the two conversations I had with Gina she sure did like to talk about you two!" As Izzy continued talking, I felt my face get more and more red. I hadn't mentioned Hailey or Marissa when we spoke, except briefly when I was talking about my closest friends. Also, her talking about the twins was, for some reason, extremely agitating. I could tell that they weren't too pleased with her either. When she finally stopped talking, Fred and George stood up.
"Well, Izzy, it was nice to meet you, but we should be going. Marissa, Hailey?" George said stiffly. My two friends leapt up, dashing to the twin's sides. 
"Gina, come on, let's go." Hailey said, not really trying to hide the glare she was giving Izzy.
"Oh, she's fine, we need to catch up anyway!" Izzy chirped, dismissing the others. I leapt up from my chair and stared at her. 
"Izzy, you're doing it again. You can't pick for me. You can't talk about people like that, and you really can't interrupt us and expect me to drop everything to hang out with you!" I cried, not sure how she thought it was okay.
"But Gina..." Izzy whimpered staring at me with a wounded look on her face. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, but Izzy you know that I can't hang out with you if you're going to insult my friends." I said and turned to go, the others following me. I heard some shuffling and suddenly Izzy was at my shoulder again, a coat on her this time. 
"I'll do better this time, promise."  She said, and my friends gave her a wary look but shrugged at me. 
"Fine, come on, we can go hang out at Hogwarts." I grumbled. 

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