Carrying the Banner

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"Y/N...Y/N...WAKE UP!" Katherine yelled at you.

You tumbled down from your bed onto the floor. "What is it, Kath?" you said yawning and rubbing your eyes. She crossed her arms and said: "We have to be at the newspaper early today, remember?" 

"Shoot!" You say, suddenly remembering you had to be early at work today. Katherine let out a chuckle. "I can't believe this is funny to you, Kath." You said as you finished getting dressed and where now brushing your hair. She stopped laughing, wipes away her tears (of laughter) and started making your bed. "Remind me why we have to be at The Sun early?" She finished fluffing your pillow and said "Really? You forgot already?" She sat down on your bed and said "We don't actually. I just wanted to get there early because you know... reasons." You finished putting the clip in your hair and turned around "Because of the trolley strike?" Kath nodded. "It's been going on for a while, I want us to get to work before morning rush hour, so we don't get lost and caught up in the crowd of people who now walk to work each and every day now"  She finished, as she handed you your coat. You shrugged your coat on, as did Kath. You opened the front door, and let her get out first. You both intertwined your arms, holding hands and walked to work. 

As you walked the streets to work with Kath, you got caught up in a small crowd and ended up in Newsie square. (AKA, where The World's newsies live, AKA lodging house.) You were both just fine when a short, raven-haired boy with the typical clothes of a newsie came up to you both. "Well hello hello hello, beautiful," he said, standing on the tip of his toes and getting close to your sister's face. Then, another boy comes in. This boy, the best-dressed one, you guess is The World's newsies' leader. Katherine put you behind her. The boy whispers something to the shorter boy and the starts talking to your sister "Mornin', miss. May I's interest you in the latest news?" You squeezed your sister's hand, and she squeezed back. "The paper isn't out yet" the boy let out a chuckle, and neared Kath's face. "I would be delighted to deliver it to ya personally" you'd had enough by now and let go of her hand. You went up to him and said "I've got a headline for you: cheeky boy gets nothing for his troubles" you can hear Kath laughing behind you and the rest of the Newsies in the square go "oooooooh", and "back to bench slugger" from the boy you talked to earlier. as the other newsies gathered around a boy with a crutch, Kath grabbed your hand and took you away. But you felt another hand on your other arm. A stronger one. You turned around to see their leader, again. "Hey, would you's be willin' to come 'round here s'mtime?" he said, looking you straight in the eyes. "I -" you started before your sister pulled you away and you looked back to the boy with a (kind of) hurt look in his eyes. You have an apologetic smile and mouthed "sorry". "Is all right" he mouthed back, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking back.  

"I'm so sorry Y/ N, we should have been more careful to not go through newsie square." she sighed. "It's all right," you said. You couldn't stop thinking about the newsie boy. "Those boys are nice, I can tell, they were just trying to have a good time" you responded. "I guess" Kath answered, "We should give them a chance." she said as you got to the front of The Sun building. "But today, we have a whole new day ahead." 


A/N: sorry if this was short, but i hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!

Something to Believe In (Jack Kelly x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon