chapter one

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atiana pov

I dont understand why the fxck you keep tryna spit your weak ass game chris it'll never happen babe im done you had a chance an you fxcked up! im not changing my mind so get the fxck outta my face you fxck nigga! slamming the door right in my ex lover three months ago (but that's another time) face afther making sure I locked it.he kept knocking on my door asking for forgiveness I decided to turn on some music loud to tune him out because truthfully I already forgave him I learned to forgive but never forget me and him will never be an item but he doesn't listen so I had to come at a different approach listening and humming in tune with jhene aiko. her soft voice hitting every thought in my mind on point that I can relate to her voice......ohh my bad I never introduced myself names atiana(ahh-tia-ahh-nah) to all you illiterate cant place your finger on how to say such a uniquely given name heres the pronunciation (a-tee-yana)but most call me tiana my name means powerful and complete which describes me im independent I need no one.some may say im feiesty, some may say im mean, some may also say I give no one play but in the end of the day I dont give a fxck just like my parents didnt afther they gave me up for adoption at 7 saying I was not perfect atleast im pretty sure thats what they were thinking an started a new family without me blah blah blah I dont go around giving sad stories I do not need a pity party no thank you .the streets of compton is were I belong no im not a damn drug dealer, im just saying my home will forever be compton home is were the heart is....right?. im 5'5 , curly dark brown hair,perfect brown skin complexion, curves for days, some may say a smile that can light up any room.antywho im 17 attending my last year of crenshaw high my gpa remains at 4.0 yas ima smartass my education should always come first I promised my mentor that she's like a mom to me I love that lady.I live in a group home with a bunch of ratchets that dont want none except my one bestfreind shes the only one that understands me.enough about me though back to my life...............I walked out afther giving ms.Melissa a kiss on the cheek(mentor) feeling the cool breeze past my face I walked out wearing some denim high waisted distressed jeans a loose simple white crop top showing off my belly ring some jelly boots showing off my black and white aztec desighned hair was left wavy as I started my walk to the other side of the building to walk with my bestfreind daishey (day-she) .

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