chapter 4

97 13 9

Atiana POV

As I headed towards the guidance counsler office to retrieve my schedule (since I wasn't their for the orientation) as I was about to open the door some guy bumped into me without hesitation I said aye watch were tf your going as I looked up to see who it is I noticed it was fine boi on the bike

Caiden. Damn ma well excuse me but dat tude ain't worth the  two seconds of attention

Ummm who do you think your talking to first off you know nothing about me I scoffed don't let the cute face fool ya but I assure you I do not look for attention when I already have it

Caiden. Oh is that so

Yes it is an I would like it if I can have my personal space back ummm


Well caiden I'm obviously tryna get to my counsler an your annoying ass is in my way

Caiden...dat mouth gon get you caught up but ehh IG its cute on ya but den again you not my type an with that he walked off

I scoffed an rolled my eyes at his stupid remark as what he said I let sink in who does he think he is I'm fxckin gorgeous tf he mean wait why do I care I'm here for my schedule I decided to forget it an walk in an get it

Well hi miss Clark hey Tia nice to see your back another year.....go get that paper from the printer its your schedule I got it then took a couple pieces of candy from her desk an said see ya later....mhmm have a nice day.

As I walked out I looked at my schedule as the 5 min bell rung I sighed as I made my way to homeroom were I sat on my phone text in bff wen my teacher told me to show new kid next period since we both have the same class I look up an I see Mr.I think I'm cute smirking at me as I reached for my purse an walked out as he followed me to gym which was all the way on the other side of school wooww jus my luck so I popped in my ear plugs in hope to avoid the awkward tension as I started to vibe to chance the rapper who's baee feer life❤ I felt both plugs being tugged out so my first reaction is to pop off an it went like this uhunnnn gtfo up off me don't touch my plugs u jer-(cutoff) before I could finish my harsh insults I was already backed up to the wall with both caidens hands tightly gripping my waist his face was only inches away from my face my hands tried to push him off but he didn't budge so my hands remained on his chest and his voice asserted a lot of dominance something no guy really has had when talking to me by the one and only Caiden who began to speak he said listen ion know who df u think you are ma I ain't like these bitch ass niigaas you be dealin  but that attitude like I said earlier needs be lost round me cuz my tolerance ain't but so much

I began almost studdering wha..what.. I couldn't get it out an he smirked as if proud so I scrunched up my face an go it together boi u ain't my daddy get off me damn ain't nobody scared of you next thing you know I see him lick his lips an pick me up my legs automatically rapped round his waist fer some reason an he looked me in the eyes an said bye the way I gotchu gripping my shirt biting yo lip an legs wrapped round me you'd be call in me daddy in a minute my eyes got wide and I quickly got down an an glared at him an mumbled jerk as he chuckled as I said shut up I hope I have no more classes with you today I rolled my eyes as we headed to gym as I opened the double doors he grabbed my ass as he ran off before I could react he was off tlkin to ken and khyree the biggest players of the whole MF school I'm not surprised they know each other so I decided to walk pass them to the bleachers were I seen my     frein iceria but I jus called her ice who was chattin it up with daishey I made my way towards them.........


lovely read at own risk not edited (urban)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum