chapter 8

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Caiden POV

Come in!

Half the crew came in because I have an assignment for the newbies. because everyone knows I hate when ppl standing up looking down at me it just bothers me for some reason reminds me of some fxcked up shxt.........I guess tiana felt me tense up because she started bothering my ear so I patted her thigh as she got up an told her......

Ma you see that door to the left she nodded can you go in their for a minute while I talk business for a minute she left after I heard the door close I began talking about the next move,about spots to hit up,groups to go with,the times, particularly everyone had their own assignments..... And I advised them all to go talk about buying to my biggest seller of utility to protect their shit cuz if they come back with half of what I'm expecting talking bout they got robbed their will be no sympathy someones gonna be my example of what happens when you fxck with boss(street name) money its a lot of hood niggas dreams to be in their place making that dough

Atiana POV

I walked into this empty room looking room an sat down on the couch an listened to some music(og maco an migos fxckem) as I listened I started thinking bout what caiden had said I mean was I gone say yes or no I guess I could give this friend thing something close to a chance....

30 min later

I got bored an tired an decided I wanted to find my way home myself like he said it would only be for a few like damn did you forget bout me that quick wow am I that easily forgotton I'm not gonna be waiting on no one for false hopes I started looking around and found another door but this one was tall an skinny an wooden like no one would have ever really found it unless they were really looking I decided to open it this door only lead to a hallway I grabbed my pocket knife out my purse just in case anyone wanted to test me today. I saw a light an headed towards it just to find out it was just the kitchen but someone was in there two actually they looked like they were jus talking it up an chilling I noticed that it was my ex I spoke to earlier today an tried to walk real fast to pass the kitchen hopefully they won't see me. But my plan failed  I quickly pulled my hoodie on an started running looking for atleast a place to hide since this house was bigger than I thought I heard fast footsteps behind me which only made me panic so I started looking for a door now I spotted one tried to open it but ughh sadly it was locked -.- I ran up to this familiar looking door that was open an some guys were coming out of it but before I could get to it someone grabbed my waist an I immediately started throwing punches an kicking as I was being picked up

Hey hey Tia calm tf down

I turned my head to see that it was just caiden I remembered the exit and started walking quickly out the house with caiden on my heels making me more frustrated and annoyed that he left me in the room waiting on his ass for so long an how I had seen my ex got me all the way fxcked up every time I see him it just bothers me an brings back old memories that shouldnt be bothered.....

Damn Tia what's wrong now

Boi leave me alone nothings wrong ight 

Calm down obviously their is something wrong if your all upset walking fast home when i said i would take you

Oh I don't care

He grabbed my wrist that's it Tia I'm not gonna run after you I need you to tell me what's really bothering you because your pissing me off!

You really know wassup OK I'll tell you I don't appreciate waiting in a small empty room for hours for no one you know how that made me feel?!? Huh do ya?  and esp Not seeing my ex on any occasion that's what bothers me!! Ion even know why I'm explaining my case to you your jus like everyone else you don't understand anything about me Damn! an let go of me I jerked my hand back an started walking really fast even though it was dark out in such a bad neighborhood jus to get pass to my group home I didn't care because at this point I felt at this point I noticed he wasn't behind me anymore and I felt all alone and cold I don't even notice these streets I think I took a wrong turn when I wasn't paying attention cuz this Is a dead end as soon as I realized an turned around I saw a two no three guys walking towards me with weird grins on their face and I did the only thing I did no best run I ran jumped the gates but sadly I'm not a track star an got my stomach and leg scrapped in the process I heard them running after me, I started looking up ahead for at least a light or a park but didn't find anywhere so I ran straight jumping bushes an jumping more gates trying to lose them right now at this moment I kinda feel bad for walking off like that I shouldn't even had said nothing just fake smile an cover everything up like I've been doing but for some reason I felt that I could tell him anything I hate that I can't trust many these days but that's just the way it is

Suddenly I saw a storefront an sighed relief even though my legs was bout to give out on me I found hope but jus my suddenly tripped an twisted my ankle

Ahhhh!! Shit! Fuck! I screamed in pain I whinced in pain as I tried to fight back the tears but as soon as I let one tear drop the guys from earlier caught up to me an began talking an crowding round me like I wasn't their damnnnn she bad AF the ugly one with crooked teeth said I know right I'm glad I caught up to you cuz u bouts receive the best dxck in town ma he licked his lips looking at me in lust all I did was scream for help but then they started pulling me by my hair an hoodey in the dark alley as I kicked punched an scratched I grabbed my super sharp trusty dusty pocket knife kissed it because it might save me an slit one of their wrist he screamed like a bitch slapping the shit out me not knowing that in a minute he was gonna die 3,2,1 he fell down breathing slowly as the other guy took my knife an looked at me like I did something wrong I laughed at his friend who's gonna die an spit in one of their faces they soon dropped me as I heard a something coming it sounded like a loudcar  or a motercycle I layed their thinking of a way to crawl away while their distracted by probably their boss I heard the guys talking but I stopped listening to one of the familiar voice tryna find out who it was but then their was gunshots goin off and I kinda feared for my life as I heard someone running towards me probably the guy with the gun towards me and at this moment I wandered what was to happen next I knew this might be my last at least ima die fighting as I readied myself for the worst......
Gaspppp omg that chapter was my longest well writing it felt the longest took me four days to keep my thought process going hope you guys liked it plz vote an comment

So who's mystery person?

Is She gonna die or nah?
Wow Tia really put up a fight

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