The meeting of the past

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    Takeru arrived at the place where Fox told him. He come in and saw the fat man tied on the chair. Takeru smirks evil saying:

- Well, well, well... Who we got here? The famous Taizawa-san.

The man was staring at Takeru and muffles. Takeru pull off the gag as the man asked:

- W-who are you? What do you want from me? Money?

Takeru squeezed his fist and hits him in the face yelling:


Taizawa gasps asking:

- Are you my little Takeru-chan? You're became grown up and sexy man. I still remember fucking your tight ass.~ You have been pleasant for my hungry dick.~ I loved how you screamed my name, little Takeru-chan.~

Takeru bites his lips and hits him more saying:

- Shut your dirty mouth up, you pig! I'll torture you and you'll beg me to spare your miserable life. Fox, do it.

Fox took the pliers and take out one fingernail from Taizawa's hand. Taizawa screamed:


Takeru said smirking:

- I begged you to stop too. But, you didn't stop. Now, pay for that. Fox... Do more to that disgusting pig.

Fox nods and continues to take out his fingernails as Taizawa screams louder of pain. Takeru watched him smirking and said:

- I love your screams~ They're exciting me. They make me so hard that I wanna fuck my beloved husband like an animal. Lovely!~

Taizawa yelled shaking:


Takeru smirks evil saying:

- Maybe~ But, aren't you sick too old man? Raping and torturing little kids? Well... We're the same. I'm not anymore that little poor boy who begged you to stop. Now, I'm the terrifying mafia boss, Takeru Homura.

Taizawa shakes asking:

- Y-you're t-that famous mafia boss?

Takeru grabs his almost bald head and smirked answering:

- Yes. I'm the monster that you all created. Don't worry, you'll die soon and painless like the other pigs did.~

Taizawa shakes saying:

- P-please don't kill me. I'll be your dog. Please, I got family...

Takeru hits him saying:

- Family huh? I hope they know what kind of trash you are. But, no. You're an ideal father who haven't killed an ant too. You're making me sick. Fox finish this pig. I can't stand him anymore.

Fox nods and pull out the gun and shots Taizawa in the head. Takeru mumbled:

- One more pig down....

Fox asked:

- What to we do with his corpse?

Takeru answered:

- Take out his organs and throw him to the fishes. At least this pig can save innocent lives.

Fox nods as Takeru left back in the hotel to be with his beloved husband, Yusaku.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

Married with mafia boss YusakuxTakeru (Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains)Where stories live. Discover now