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"Phew that was way too easy" said naruto as he wiped off a bit of sweat from his forehead, then he turned towards the trees and called out,

"Hey, you guys helping me out or what?"

After that sasuke, ino and kiba came out of the trees, still surprised at what they had seen, they had never known naruto was so strong.

"What are you waiting for, get the redhead and let's go, those idiots must still be fighting" said naruto as he started moving back towards the village.

The others just stood there in a daze for a few minutes before finally following him while carrying Gaara.

Naruto ran towards the village and saw that there were still fights going on all over the village, the first he noticed was shino and shikamaru fighting the sand siblings, he jumped right in between them,

"Hey guys sup?" He asked casually,

This took both the groups by surprise,

"Oh yeah, you two, um what's your name? Paint face and fangirl, I beat your brother, so you better help him, the invasions over" said naruto to the sand siblings,

"What!? You couldn't have beaten Gaara, no one has ever beaten Gaara" shouted Temari not believing what naruto had just implied,

"Well that's too bad, anyway, gotta go, got sannin to save, c ya" said Naruto as he jumped onto a roof running away.

When naruto got to the fight arena where the sannin and the hokage were fighting against the Kazekage he felt an ominous atmosphere, ANBU were guarding the area not allowing anyone to see what was happening, the sannin fight was over and they were standing outside the perimeter, naruto could clearly see the body of the Kazekage laying on the ground in a pool of blood,

"Orochi-sensei what's up?" Asked naruto as he landed next to his favourite of the three sannin,

Orichimaru said nothing as he looked towards the ground, naruto looked at the other sannin and ANBU to see all of them bowing their heads,

"Wait, where's Jiji?" Asked naruto, and the reply he got was silence,

Naruto pushed away the ANBU with ease to see what they had been blocking from his view, there he saw the man that he considered his grandfather lying on the ground, a pool of deep red blood around his head, his face had a expression of confusion, although he was dead his eyes were still ajar, naruto knelt beside him, and looked into his eyes, he stayed like that for a few minutes before he shut the late hokage's eyes.

Then he got up and looked at the others, the invasion had been won, all fighting had ceased and all the remaining shinobi were standing there, he looked at all the people that were left, the reason that his grandfather had sacrificed his life, and left without a word,

The Shukaku jinchuuriki had been captured along with his siblings, all other sand ninja had either been killed or had retreated, a few days later, there was the funeral, for the late hokage,

Men and women gathered in a great number at the cemetery to mourn the loss of such a great life, Orichimaru too was there, when he looked at the headstone he remembered his last meeting with his sensei before he left the village,

The hokage, his sensei had given him a mission, but not an easy one, he was to be declared a missing nin, but in reality, he would be an outer defence or a spy system for the leaf village, in order to know about incoming attacks, he was to make it seem as if he would help anyone who would want to destroy konoha, it was not easy leaving his home, but it was necessary,

Orichimaru looked around looking for his most prized pupil, but as he looked around he noticed that he was not around, Orichimaru left heading towards the hokage monument, when he got there he could see naruto sitting on the head of Sarutobi hokage,

"You weren't at the funeral" said Orichimaru,


There was no reply,

"Talk to me Naru" said Orichimaru again still in his calm voice.

"When, when does it end?" Asked naruto,

"When does what end?"

"The death" said naruto as he walked away,

In a cell in the interrogation and torture department lay the three children of the late Kazekage, bored out of their minds, until someone opened the barred gate, causing them all to look in that direction,

The man standing at the gate was not lot by the light, they could only see him as a shadow,

"Come on, you're free" said the shadow as it walked away,

"Wait!" Shouted Temari as she ran towards the gate along with her brothers, as they stepped outside they saw the figure of naruto,

"You" said Gaara as he took a fighting stance,

"You and I both know that's not gonna end up well for you, I'm not here to fight, I'm here to help, you can't sleep right? Mind if I check your seal?" Asked naruto,

The three siblings just stared at him, when he spoke, it was different than before,it was as if his emotion was cut off,

Gaara simply nodded as he showed naruto his seal, as soon as naruto saw it he spit on the floor,

"Which stupid idiotic seal master did this, stupid, a simple storage seal? What are they crazy?" Naruto started to mumble to himself,

Then he forced Gaara to lay down, as he took a brush and ink from a storage seal in his glove, then he started to draw a seal on Gaara's chest, it took about half an hour to complete, but after that naruto simply put one hand on the old seal while keeping the other hand on the new seal, then he started to channel the Shukaku into the new seal using himself as a medium, he writhed as Shukaku traveled through him into the new seal,

After it was finally over naruto feel down to one knee,

"Well, that's done, you should be able to sleep now, the old seal was crazy, anyway, see you guys later" said naruto as he walked out, stumbling a bit,

Temari and Kankuro were still in a daze after what had happened but when they turned to their younger brother he was sleeping, something he had never done, Temari smiled as she held her little brother's hand.


To guys sup, anyways, I got a bit of bad news, even though I uploaded this chappy don't mean that I got the phone back, so the next chapter might be a bot late again, I'm sooo sorry, I love to write too, but I guess I'm cursed, I will see you all again as soon as possible, love y'all

Peace out brothers and sisters✌✌

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