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This book was inspired by someone I saw say they were doing this on Amino!
I don't remember the person off the top of my head at the moment, BUT this story is just a rewrite and little stories and stuff of Bungou Stray Dogs with my OC.

Do they have the same name as me?
Are they basically me?

If I get something wrong in the storyline, I'm sorry please forgive me!

So here is their BSD profile!

Name: Corrin
Age: 22
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/She/He
Birthday: May 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'5
Nationality: American

Physical Description:
short brown hair(the only way I know how to describe it is K-Pop boy. I'm sorry.), blue eyes, semi flat chested, glasses(idk I'm bad at character descriptions...)

Clothing Description:
enjoys a more casual gyaru style, a mix of onee and ane gyaru styles

Ability: Demon's Eye
Demon's Eye allows them to see what a person has done in the past 12 hours and what they will do in the next 12 hours by touching them

Fun Facts:
•swears it's just a small crush, but has a huge crush on Chuuya

I realized I fell into the same deal every middle schooler does while tweaking this.

That deal: making their character OP or weird af.

I still don't really have a backstory on how they got to Japan lol

I'm so excited to start this story!!! I already have ideas I'm so freakin excited!

Word Count: 353

Bungou Stray Dogs ft. CorrinWhere stories live. Discover now