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"seungmin let go of my arm, i need to go to work!"

"i just want to show you the song me and jeongin wrote in music!" seungmin pouted.

"you can send it to me in a voice recording or come to my house when my shift is over," sunhye told him "i'm sorry."

"all you do is work, work, work and more work - what about us? why don't you make time for us?" jeongin complained "you could easily lie and say you're sick!"

"not everyone is well off like you guys." sunhye mumbled. she tried to say it quietly but they all heard and the atmosphere soon became awkward.

hyunjin broke the short silence, "when sunhye's shift is over, do you guys wanna gather at felix's house?"

"yeah, me and hyunjin can show you the dance we made and jeongin and seungmin can show the song they wrote! it'll be like a mini talent show in my basement." felix beamed.

"i don't want to." seungmin stated, annoyed by the fact that sunhye couldn't make time for her friends.

the brown-haired teen scoffed, "i don't really care what happens. now, i'm gonna go to work; i'm running late."

she paced out of the school and made her way to starbucks. it was her first day working there and she was probably gonna be late all because of seungmin and jeongin's selfishness.

she understood that they might not have been used to being around someone like her but the least they could do is try to understand her. she's been fired from countless jobs because of how she's almost always late from arguing with seungmin and she didn't need to lose another one.

thinking about all of this stressed sunhye out and she began to have an anxiety attack. she tried her best to control her breathing and think positively which she successfully did after a while.

"hello, my name is yoo sunhye!" she bowed to the manager as soon as she walked into starbucks, "i'm so sorry for being late—"

"you're only late by a few minutes and i'll let you off because you had school." the manager smiled at sunhye.

"thank you! i'll work really hard!"

"that's fantastic. i see some customers coming in so quickly pop on your apron and get to work. i hope you enjoy working at starbucks." the manager smiled once more then disappeared behind some doors.

sunhye found an apron and put it on and put her hair up in a messy bun. she then looked through her bag and took out a bottle of water and some antidepressants for her anxiety.

"it will be a good day." the brunette motivated herself after taking her tablets.

she went to the front and got ready to serve her first customer. nervousness ran through her but she convinced herself she was excited not nervous, even though we all know that is definitely not true.

a boy with curly dark brown hair strolled into the shop with two other people.

she squinted her eyes a bit and then realised who he was.

"oh god, that's bang chan from my class. i really hope he doesn't recognise me." sunhye prayed.

"hi there! what can i get for you?"

"i'd like to have a— wait! you're that girl that minho spilt banana milk on in class!" chan exclaimed.

sunhye screamed internally. how did he still remember that? it happened over a year ago.

"yep, that's me haha." she chuckled, embarrassed.

"why would you bring that up chan? look how embarrassed she is, her face is red like a tomato." woojin quietly scolded chan.

sunhye heard and continued screaming internally, her face probably going even more red for being embarrssed of being embarrassed.

"i'm sorry about that incident last spring, sunhye! i was being silly, i didn't mean to." minho apologised.

sunhye slightly gritted her teeth, "don't worry, it was over a year ago so i'm over it."

but clearly bang chan isn't!

"anyways, i would like a vanilla cream frappe please in the size grande." chan ordered.

"what name would you like me to put on the drink?"

"bang chan."

"ok, that'll be 4415-won." sunhye told him.

he paid the money, smiled and waited for his drink. woojin and minho also ordered their iced caramel macchiatos and waited with him.

little did chan know, sunhye wanted a little revenge from him embarrassing her, so she spelt his name as bbang (bread) chan on the cup.

"thank you!" chan said and drank up.

woojin noticed the misspelling, "bro, why does it say bread chan instead of bang chan?"

"it does?" he checked the cup.

"wow we love our king, bread chan." minho cackled.

"excuse me, you spelt my name wrong." chan informed sunhye.

"oops." she snickered but suddenly a load of negative thoughts ran through her head.

what if he hates me now? what if he thinks i'm annoying? what if i annoyed him really badly? what if he hits me? what if he throws his drink on me for being so childish? what if he shouts at me? what if—

"a war has begun. remember that sunhye." chan growled before his dimples appeared and he laughed, "i can't believe you wrote bread chan. now all i am is a piece of bread?"

"actually, bread is very special. millions of people would go crazy for a piece of bread." sunhye smiled.

"what about you? would you go crazy for bread?" the curly-haired boy winked.

"uh no."

"she says that now but watch her in like a month come running to chan, calling him 'senpai'." woojin stated.

"if changbin was here, he would've killed you." minho replied.

sunhye questioned, "why?"

"jisung's been watching anime recently and he's been going round calling changbin 'senpai' everyday, it's so funny." chan explained.

"jisung? han jisung?"

"yeah, do you know him?" woojin asked.

"not really." she lied, "just heard of him."

"that's good, wouldn't want anyone to take you away from me." chan winked once again.

"you're crazy." sunhye told him.

"for you." he continued flirting.

"you literally just met her, would you stop it? ya little fuckboy ass." woojin tutted.

"ok guys, i can't speak to you any longer because customers are beginning to come in. i'll talk another day."

"can i get your number, pretty girl?" chan winked for the third time.

"boy, stop!" minho smacked his arm.

"we have to go, we'll see you around sunhye. have a good day!" woojin dropped his sweet eyesmile and dragged minho and chan out of the shop.


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