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sunhye yawned and took off her apron, her shift was finally over.

as she began to leave the place, a boy walked in, "hey."

"sorry, the shop is about to close- bang chan?" she looked surprised, "what are you doing here again? too much coffee isn't good for you."

"that's not why i'm here but you're cute." he chuckled as her cheeks slowly reddened, "i didn't notice until leaving the store that uh your ring was kinda in my drink."

sunhye's eyes widened and she immediately glanced down at her hands. you dumbass.

"thank you and i'm so sorry, i hope your drink still tasted ok. ugh, i'm so stupid, how did i forget to take off my ring before work."

"it's alright, sunhye! i would've dropped this off earlier but it seemed quite busy so i didn't want to bother you." chan's dimples appeared as he smiled.

"well, thank you! see you tomorrow." sunhye's phone began to ring. it was seungmin.

she rolled her eyes and picked up, "hello."

"sunhye.." seungmin streched out her name.


seungmin quickly passed the phone to jeongin as he knew the words would refuse to come out of his mouth.

"sunhye, we're so sorry for what we said earlier! hyunjin made us realise what we said was wrong and we hope you can come over to felix's soon so we can chill. love you sunhye!" jeongin spoke rapidly.

sunhye sighed, the boys were her weakness and she could never stay mad at them for longer than a day. they meant a lot to her. "i'll see you all there in about fifteen minutes. love you too."

"alright, goodbye!" jeongin yelled. he assumed he hung up and proceeded to squeal with joy with the three other boys.

sunhye giggled, "you didn't end the call!"

she heard a little gasp from the other end of the phone and then the call ended.

"who was that?" chan questioned, "boyfriend?"

"imagine me having a boyfriend." sunhye scoffed, "it was just my.. little brothers? they're cute. anywho, i need to leave now so i'll see you again chan."

chan asked, "can i at least walk you to wherever you're going? it's 6pm and it's already dark because of the winter so i don't want you to walk alone."

"if you really want to i guess."

so that's what happened. chan walked sunhye to felix's house.

it was a very boring, long walk. sunhye had hear earphones in, blasting monsta x's new album; chan just walked in silence next to her, taking a good look at her face every now and then. it was the longest fifteen minutes of his life, but he didn't (or tried not to) mind as he was being a bodyguard.

sunhye stopped abruptly and knocked on a door, not sparing chan a glance. she thought for a second then whipped out a key from under the plantpot and began walking inside the house.

"wow, not even a goodbye?" chan's voice startled sunhye.

"oh shit, i completely forgot you were there!" she gasped with guilt.

"no wonder you were being so antisocial. girl, i'm offended." he pretended to cry.

"i'm so sorry! i hope you have a good rest of the day! goodbye dimples!" she said quickly then shut the door.

"what do i see in her?"


a/n :: sorry this is a bit of a filler bc im so bad at updating. hope you enjoy this book !!

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