Chapter Two : Crystal Valley

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After I woke up from my nap i saw a big sign that said 'CRYSTAL VALLEY'

i smiled a small smile,were here in Crystal Valley.

There were houses and bars and markets and stores and then the weirdest building,my eyebrows scrunched together,we slowly drove past a mental institution. The place was modern and had white walls and glass so you can see people walking around,i couldn't see far but i sure can see them wearing white jumpsuits. I slowly sunk back in my seat and look out my phone,the phone has a soft black furry cover,so it felt as if I was holding Layla. I put on my phone a texted Bianca a message:

Brie Baby:
Hey Sister we just arrived at Crystal Valley

Bianca Boo:
Cool enjoy your trip and don't do stupid things 😘

Brie Baby:
I'll try...I mean I don't know what lies ahead of me

Bianca Boo:
Just enjoy okay!😂

I chuckle and put my phone away,I looked over at Crescent and saw she was asleep,her mouth was open and soft snores escaped her mouth,i snicker and take my phone out and put on a loud ring tone

"Time to wake up" i softly sang and put the phone close to her ear.


She shot up Yelling "I'm a good noodle!!"

People who heard her loud yell started laughing,including the teachers. Lumberjack thought it was right to lean forward so his face was seen

"Hey i know you'll be good to my noodle" he smirked at his dumb excuse for a pick-up line

"Noodles are short and thin...and limp" she again said in a sickly sweet tone,he growled and sunk back in his seat.

"Your lucky I like you" he mumbled and pouted

"Too bad I don't like you" she shrugged and look out her phone


The bus stopped at a large hotel,the walls were peach and brown. You could see there this was a extremely expensive hotel.

"If you kids are cousin owns this hotel and he owes me a favour" Mrs.Flash said clasping her hands together and smiling,showing off her straight Hollywood teeth,sometimes I wonder if their real or maybe she found a way to bleach her teeth...I don't know I'm weird

"So I want everyone to step out in a orderly fashion and get your luggage,and if you may you can also get other peoples luggage and drop them off at the entrance" she sweetly said with a overly happy expression... Yeah her face is defiantly going to hurt later.

Soon everybody was out of the bus and finding their bags,Josh came to my side with his bags,I held both my bags in my arms and sighed.

"Here babe let me hold that" I turned left and saw a guy hold his girlfriends bags,he struggled but held a struggled smile,aww at least his girlfriend didn't have to hold it.

I frowned and looked up at josh,he wasn't even looking at me he was on his phone.

"At right kids so follow me into the reception and we'll assign you to your rooms" Mrs.Flash held a clipboard and ushered us to the entrance. The inside was even more fancy,I whistled when I saw a small chandelier... Maybe Mrs.Flash gets her money from her cousin to get fake teeth,its a possibility.

"Oh my gawd" Crescent gushed and walked beside me,Lumberjack stood next to josh and we stood close to the reception table.

"Hi my cousins the owner and..." Mrs.Flash blabbered on about crap and the receptionists gave a hand full of keys to her with a bored expression, Mrs.Flash is a blabber mouth
"Okay everyone please grab a partner to share a room with" her high voice yelled to catch the attention of the kids at the back.

Crescent hip bumped me and winked at me.

"If you guys are sleeping in a bed together can I be in the middle?" Lumberjack smirked and slung his arms around us

"You can be in the middle of two moving walls" I glared at him and shrugged his arm off. He growled when Crescent also shrugged his arm off.

Me and Crescent stepped forward and got our keys,the key chain was wooden with the number 12 on it,the key chain was worn out and even has small teeth marks on's obviously a baby

Me and Crescent searched for out door...8...9...10...11...12...uh here it is. I put my bags on the floor and put the key in the hole and turned it but it didn't budge

"Turn it the other way" Crescent muttered,I obliged but it still didn't open. "Try turni-" I cut her off

"I'm pretty sure I know how to open a door" I deadpanned and jiggled the knob but it still didn't budge. "You know what f**k you,Crescent help me" I sighed in defeat and stepped back,she then tuned the knob and it opened without any force.

She gave me a smug look which I ignored by clicking my teeth and walking past her. I gasped when I saw the room,cream walls with a maroon carpet flooring, the bed has a thick white sheet and cream coffee colour blanket cover. Two portraits hung over the two beds.

"I call dibs on the right one" Crescent said in a weird voice and ran to the bed on the right. I went to the left bed and practically threw my luggage on the bed with it responded with a soft thud. "So I hope there's cute guys,I'm getting sick of jack up my alleyway." Crescent rolled her eyes in annoyance.

I snicker at her misery...I mean jack is cute but not Aww. If I like you I have to aww at you or else your gone...BE GONE UN-AWW SPECIE!!

"Yeah I hope,and I also want a cute guy who loves candy" I pursed my lips at the though of me and a boy taking a romantic walk down the candy isle...Sigh.

"I don't want that...I want a nerdy boy who's shy" she said in a dreamy way,I let out a airy laugh and shook my head,I'm fine with both types.

I went to the bathroom and changed by attire to my sleeping gown even if its 5pm I'm still going to sleep. I came out of the bathroom and put my suitcases under my bed and got under the covers.

Crescent looked at me with a amused expression and too went into the bathroom to change.

"You sleep to much" she she shook her head and chuckled.

"And you sleep to little,you name is literally names after the moons phase and when the moon comes up your still awake,your supposed to be like sleeping beauty" I ranted and turned the other way to see her face better.

"Okay don't stereotype me I'm a morning  person not a night person..." She rolled her eyes letting a sigh escape her mouth
"Oh and I might not be sleepy but I am a beauty" she pushed her hair behind her shoulder in a cocky way,I chuckled and laid my head down to rest,letting the sleep take over me.


So this chapter is short...sorry

IDK eat a pizza

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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