Chapter 4

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"Oh my god," Laney spoke as she yawned. Laney wasn't used to getting up so early.

We had to get up at 4:30 and make the one and a half drive to the airport, Laney and I slept most of the time. Our flight was around 8 and from my knowledge of traveling you show up at least two hours early just in case something happens with checking in or your security. It was now 7:30 and we were waiting to board.

Unlike Laney I was wide awake now waiting for them to board first class because thanks to twitter I was well aware that Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte were going to be on the very same plane as us!

"Relax Winnie they won't board for at least another 15 minutes," My dad tried to calm me as he could see my excitement for them to arrive.

"Let's go to the bathroom," Laney offered but I didn't want to leave worried I would miss his arrival.

"Go you'll make it back in time and if not I'll stop him and demand he wait." My dad was joking but I wasn't positive that he wouldn't so I gave in and went with Laney

"I can't believe were actually going to the Olympics in London!"

"Mhm," Laney was still half asleep even after three hours of being awake so I decided to keep the conversation short.

When we finally made it to the bathroom I looked in the mirror while Laney peed. I looked terrible my curly light brown hair was up in a messy bun, my face looked drained from exhaustion a look I had learned to know in the morning and it soon faded. My bright green eyes sparkled with excitement though.

"Ok we can go now," Laney said after she washed her hands. I examined her even early in the morning she looked pretty her dirty blonde, silk like hair was pulled into a messy pony tail an her side bangs fell perfectly in spot and her freckles that splattered across her nose and cheek put life into her over tired face. She was smaller too with all the right curves. That was the downfall of swimming my body had been transformed so much since my Olympic training started my; my shoulders had been come huge, my arms swelled with muscle as well, my calf muscle defined whenever I walked and my stomach a perfect six pack. I guess I wasn't insecure about my muscles but it would be nice to be tiny and more feminie like Laney was.

"We will be boarding first class now," The fligh attent announced as we sat back down. My head perked up like a dog about to chase a cat. I watched eagerly for them to appear ready to get on the plan but they never did. I saw the "Fab Five", five gymnast ESPN couldn't stop talking about how amazing they are going to do at the game, they board the plane in first class but no Michael, no Lochte. Next thing I knew we were boarding the plan still no sign of him. We took our seats me and Laney sat next to each other and Kayla and dad sat behind us. I pulled out my American Heroes Olympic magazine getting ready for the flight to take off. Still no sign of him.

Then I heard it. The swishing sound that came when a warm up suit was rubbed together. The sound I loved. I looked up and say him walking down the aisle with a grin on his face and Lochte was behind him. He wore light blue jeans, a white shirt and his USA warm up jacket for the plane ride. My jaw dropped, he was there in person walking towards me then he stopped, put his bag above me and sat him and Lochte sat in the two seats in front of us. Everything stopped time, my heart, my breathe everything. For the next seven hours or so the greates Olympian to be sat in front of me. I tucked the magazine into the pocket in the chair because I didn't need that when I had the real thing in front of me.

I watched the back of his seat the whole time as we took off. He moved alot I guess he couldn't get comfortable, I giggled to myself at that thought. Of course he couldn't get comfortable he was practically a demi-god and I doubt a demi-god would be comfortabl in these tiny little plane seats. He probably had no leg room, his shoulders barely fit in the cushion of his seat and his arms where to big to rest perfectly on the arm rests. My smiled turned into a frown I started to feel bad for the Olympic swimmer who sat in front of me wondering why he wasn't in first class. I'm sure one of those tiny gymnast would fit perfectly in the chair they didn't look like they needed much room.

"Laney," I pushed her with my shoulder nudging towards Phelps and Lochte. I mouthed look and she grinned she knew who they where but wasn't as excited as I was.

"Talk to them," she whispered.

"Oh no no no they probably hate that fans coming up to them no no." I refused but Laney didn't look impress she got up and poked Lochte on the shoulder. What was she doing!

"Hi I'm Laney and this is Winnie we just wanted to say good luck." I smiled when there heads rotated towards me. I was going to kill her.

"Thanks," Ryan thanked her and went back to whatvever he was reading.

"Thank you," Michael thanked us as well and I'm not postive but I think he winked at me or could that have been all in my head. Either way my face heated up and turned bright red I could feel it.

For the rest of the flight I watched the back of the chair like I did before. There was so many questions I had to ask him. What it felt like to win a gold medal? How much training he had?  I watched him put on his headphones. My eyes got heavier and heavier.

I woke up when I felt a bump. We had landed. The seat belt sign went off and everyone instantely got up out of their seats to grab their bags and enter the foreign country.

I wanted to follow Michaela, even if that does seem stakerish but when I looked up from grabbing my bag I caught the last glimpse of the red from his sleeve as he exited the plan. I speed walked out trying not to loose him, it was to late though the fish like man had wondered off. I stayed very alert though my head spung around and around trying to relocate him as we walked off the plan and to go collect our bags.

"Theres mine!" Laney squealed as her bag come around on the carisol. Dad, Kayla and Laney all had there bags now and I was still waiting for mine.

FInally the white and black Speedo bag came rolling out, the last on one the carisol. I reached out to get it at the same time another hand grabbed the handle. I looked up to tell the person that it was mine but when I looked up I met dull green eyes and I gasped.

My Michael Phelps ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now