Chapter 5

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I fiddled with my thumbs and looked around. I was sitting in a limo not just a limo the limo that was specifically assigned to pick up Michael, Ryan and Bobby.

After I had realized that who's bag I had thought was mine I couldn't breathe. He given me a smirk and unzipped the bagged and sparkling gold medals layed on top and he smiled as he zipped it back up. Bragging? I didn't think so. I was actually happy it was his and not mine because he needed his500 dollar race suit, cap and goggles more than I needed 10 dollar tops and jeans I probably payed to much money for.

Then he spoke to me and I secretly pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. He said he was sorry that my bag had gotten lost and when I didn't speak he probably thought I was specail so I made myself say it was ok. To my suprise he wasn't scared off and ask where we were staying and that's when my dad stepped in to tell him the hotel.

That's how we ended up here. Michael Phelps had felt so bad that my bag was actually his he gave us a ride to the hotel. I couldn't help but feel like he was staring at me.

"Aren't you the girls that sat behind us on the plane?" Ryan asked.

"Yes yes we are,"Laney was overly excited about being in a limo. I could still feel his eyes on him.

"What brings you to London?" Ryan asked another obvious question.

"For the Olympics," I was absoultey postive Laney was flirting with Ryan Lochte. I didn't blame her like come on he's Ryan Lochte and he is beautiful! " Winnie won a swimming competetion for four tickets to see you guys swim!"

Both of their eyes widen and Ryan turned to look at me.

"So you swim," He finally spoke. I nodded my head. "I could tell you have the body of a swimmer." I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably I was unsure how to take his comment.

"WInnie isn't just a swimmer she's training to be in the Olympics like you." Laney pipped in her remark.

"Oh really," He lifted his eyebrow.

"Yup you inspired her in the Bejing games." My eyes gave the signal for Laney to shut up. My face burned red and I couldn't wait to get out of the limo.

"Is this true?"

"Yeah it is after the relay where you won your eight gold medal all I wanted was one of my own." It just started pouring out of me and I couldn't help but tell him no matter how embarrssed I was.

"Would you like to hold one?" My heart stopped and I caught my breath. All of sudden the sun light and a gust of wind came through the open door; we had stopped and that was the limo drivers signal to get out. My shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"Maybe next time." He said which I'm sure he didn't mean to give me the signal of their could be a next time I run into the greatest Olympian.

"Ok thank you for the ride." I smiled back and we all thanked them and got out.

"WInnie!" Did Michael Phelps just call my name? Good thing I was stilling sittinmg because I probably would have fell. I looked over my shoulder.

"I think your beautiful." He winked.

 I layed sprawled out on the bed unable to think about anything else but the ride home with two ofg the greatest male swimmers of all time. Michael Phelps had called me beautiful and winked at me for what i believed was the second time today. Oh it had been a long day but it might have well been thte best day.

"Winnie what's wrong?" I felt the bed dip down as Kayla sat down.

"Oh nothing I'm just tired it had been a long day," It wasn't a lie I was tired but it also wasn't the whole truth.

"Oh that's not just it I know you better than that," That was true Kayla knew me better than Laney or even my dad usually.

"I'm just thinking about the ride home Kayla we were in a limo with Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte and I'm the only one freaking out about it."

"Oh I knew it had to do with that. There just people Winnie very fast fish like people but people non the less." She laughed at her own bad joke. "I understrand it though aren't they amazing and so big I'm suprised we even fit in the limo with them." Another bad joke. "Isn't Ryan Lochte so atttractive though." I nodded I wasn't really paying attention anymore to her she didn't hear what Michael said and I didn't want to tell her because what if it had been all in my head which it probably was.

I tossed and turned and ended up leaving the bed I was sharing with Laney to go move to the couch but to my misfortune my dad had already claimed that leaving Kayla a bed to herself. I wanted to sleep so bad but I couldn't and I hated it. Why did he wrap around my thoughts we barely had a conversation and so what if he had called me beautful. It would be different if it was any other guy I assume but it wasn't it was Michael Phelps my hero since I was 11 and the guy who inspired me and I had talked to him no I met him hell I road in a limo with him. That's why he was all I could think about because I had been come star struck by him.

I sat down in the big armed chair since I wouldn't be comfortbale lying down. I rested my head on my arm and next thing I knew my eyes slide almost shut untill I heard noise in the hallway that rewoke me.  I looked at the clock, 2:03, the digital numbers glowed. I tried to tune them out probably just some drunk guys coming home from the bar.

2:46 and they were still making so much noise I couldn't stand it anymore I didn't even bother looking through the peep hole I swung the door open to confront these rude drunk men. When the door swung open and I saw who it was words had failed me but my blushing spoke enough. I tilted my head to stare up at the same eyes that I had first met in the airport


Ok this is the end of the chapter  how is it please comment and vote and let me know what you think and I'm also debating if I should bring Lara back into the book?!!/ Let me know what you think i should do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_______________________________________________________________________________

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