Chapter 6

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I tilted my head up to look the two skyscrapers in the face. They were piss drunk coming home from god knows where.

"What are you guys doing out here? Do you know what time it is?" I crossed my arms over my chest trying to act tough against their height.

Ryan spoke first trying to mock me by crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head, very immature if you ask me. "Who wants to know?"

What a stupid question they were obviousley drunk. "Winnie thats who Mr. Lochte," I said without intimation but I would never say that if they were sober.

"Ryan stop being such an ass," Michael spoke now not slurring or sounding dazed. "Winnie we are locked out of our room and Bob won't let us in."

"Why not?"

"He didn't approve of us going out." I totally understood Bob's point these were Olympic athletes repersenting our country in 2 days but I also saw there point of view there in London and they wanted to go party for once.

"Well you guys can come in here theres no bed open that you will fit in though but we can put blankets on the floor or a chair." What the hell did I just do I offered them the floor and a chair. I really hope they don't remember this tomorrow.

I watched them drunkly wobble in and Ryan sat at the edge of the bed that i previously slept in and now it just left Laney and Michael stil stared at my drunk or not I guess its a habit you don't break.

" you guys wanna sleep? Do you have practice tomorrow?" I asked them trying to keep my voice down so no one else will be woken up.

"We don't have practice tomorrow we got off because of the Olympics," Michael said. Him and Ryan chuckled to each other like an inside joke I didn't get.

Ryan laid down next to Laney and I watched him like a hawk scared of what he might do next but when I heard heavy snoring I relaxed a little and focused on Michael who leaned against the wall, arms crossed, legs intertwined.

"So you wanna swim in the Olympics?" His eyebrows raised as the question was out.

"Yes I have been training since the last one," I tried to keep calm. I kept telling myself he was drunk but it really didn't seem like it anymore.

"I could train you. You know?"

"Oh I already have a trainer but thank you." What the hell!

"I bet she doesn't own gold medals like I do. We could go to the pool right now if you hurry. I could show you some tricks I use to help me go faster." His voice sounded like he was coming from a dark ally and I was starting to get scared.

"I can't just leave," My eyes roamed to Ryan still snoring heavly in the bed. No matter how much I wanted to go I don't think I would be able to.

"We will be back before the sun rises. I bet you can't do a flip turn like I can." He laughed and he wan't creepy anymore but more bubbly than anything now.

I looked at the clock and bit my lip. Once in a life time.

"Let me go get my suit."


Ok this is finally the end to chapter 6 I'm pretty sure this is the worst chapter I have every written I just wanted to finish it hopefully I can approve and update quicker for you guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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