Chapter 1:High-School

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Scarlett's POV:

I woke up groggily, trying to make an effort to get out of bed, but knowing me that would take at least 3856 years. I release myself from the warmth and secureness of the blanket, dragging myself to my closet, and put on an over sized sweater on and black ripped jeans. "Sorry" I say as I walked past someone, only to find out that I was in my room alone, and I just apologized to my own reflection. "What the actual hell is happening right now" I mumble incoherently, my hands supporting my head as I mindlessly stare into oblivion, questioning my life as of this moment.

After my mini existential crisis I decided to head to hell-oh I meant school-no I didn't. Either way they are extremely similar. I made a quick trip to my locker to get tissues for my tears, just kidding, I got my textbooks and pencil case out and headed to my first class.

And Scarlett being Scarlett, I had missed out on a class, once again, not as bad as last time, I was y'know about-um-two whole periods tardy. Seeing as I was running late the only vacant spot was next to a creepy guy with weird hair that abnormally sticks up, I hadn't seen him before. Definitely a newbie.

I hesitated to ask what his name was, as I tried to gain the courage to ask him he bolts up and heads towards the front of the class room. Well, now I definitely know he is new, the boy introduced himself saying his name was Daniel Smith, a few giggles and whispers could be heard coming from the back of the class. He blushed furiously and rushed over to his seat.

The bell for lunch filled the silence, kids stampeding out of the classroom. I quickly slipped out via the science room door next to us. I felt like the walls closing in, I was trapped on the hallway floor with a million teenagers walking over each other. The kids were chanting "Fight" over and over again. The whole school was gathered in this tiny hallway just to see these two idiots fight. I couldn't breathe, my vision going blurry. I felt two hands help me up and back onto my feet.

"You okay?" they ask. I turned around to see Daniel staring at me awaiting an answer. I nod my head and say thank you.

I quickly ran to the cafeteria, barely breathing. Thank god for waterproof mascara.

[[ Hey guys, don't mind me, Im just re-writing/editing MLT because im bored and my writing make me cringe (: , so watch out for updates because I might be changing a whole lot.


7/12/15 [edited]

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