Chapter 12: Surprise

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Scarlett's POV:

I walked into the living room when out of no-where a ton of voices scream out "Surprise! Happy Birthday Scarlett!" I had almost forgotten that it was my birthday. My eyes were filled with tears of joy. No wonder Dan and Kyle were acting so weird for the past week, they were planning a party!

Ive got to say, this is a pretty damn good party. I hugged Dan and Kyle, they were really happy that I loved the party.
"Thank you guys so much, I love it" I say as I kiss the both of them on the cheek.

I had a drink from the punch bowl, weird I swear this had a hint of vodka in it. I shrugged it off and continued the night and kept drinking the punch.

It was about 8pm and I was already piss drunk. I was doing body shots off some random. The taste of alcohol not even bothering me anymore. I stopped doing the shots and someone handed me some vodka, I drank it like it was my water.

Dan had a devious smile on his face, I could tell he was also piss drunk like everyone else in this house.

"Dannyyyy" I say between hiccups. "I think Im falling for you."

"Me too."He grabbed me and pulled me right up to him, I smirked, I had god knows how many drinks. I felt Dan's hot breath fanning my face, I ran my hand through his perfect quiff and planted my lips onto his. He kissed back.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that again." he said between kisses.

"Come on love birds, let's play truth or dare!" Kyle slurred. We both sat down and played a rather large game of truth or dare. I sat next to Dan, head on his shoulder and a beer in one hand. The bottle had landed on me "Truth or Dare" Crystal had said,


"I dare you to make-out with Dan for 5 minutes." I didn't hesitate like the sober me would do, I turned around and placed my lips on Dan's once again. Everyone cheered drunkenly. I stared into Dan's eyes, his stormy blue eyes was filled with lust.

Dan had led me to his room, hand in hand, laughing drunkenly. He pushed me onto the bed and proceeded to kiss me. His lips found their way to my neck, slowly giving me a hickey. I started to undo his belt, he looked up at me for assurance. I nodded.


Next morning.

I woke up next to Dan, my head was in the crook of his neck, his arm held me close to him. His warmth radiating onto me.

"Oh please, tell me I didn't." I whisper. By the look of it, I did. I saw the opened condom wrapper laying on the floor. I cringed and got out of bed quietly trying not to wake Dan. My head was aching, every step I took it felt like I was getting hit in the head with a brick, repeatedly. As soon as I knew it, I was falling, my hands breaking the fall. "Fuck."

"Are you alright?" I heard a voice say. I panicked, I saw Dan get out of the bed still bare chested. I blushed and grabbed an oversized sweatshirt that was hanging out of the closet. "Fuck, tell me we didn't...oh my god Scarlett I'm sorry I was piss drunk I didn't know what I was doing I-"

"Ssh, Dan it's okay, just calm down. Come on we'll make breakfast for the others. Meanwhile, um-get dressed" I say as I pointed to him. He blushed and put his boxers back on.

I walked over to the kitchen to I see Kyle sleeping on the couch, his tall figure making it hard for anyone to sit down, so I had resorted to sitting on top of him. As that got uncomfortable I went to the island bench and buried my head in my arms, my head still spinning.

I saw Dan fiddling with his glasses in the kitchen, he gave me an awkward smile. I drove back to Kyle's hotel in just Dan's hoodie, stilettos and my extremely tight skirt. The walk of shame to the room was unbearable, little kids whispering to their mothers and pointing at me.

I felt my phone buzz.

Dan: "hey"

I smiled and replied.

Scarlett: "Hi"

Dan: "I'm sorry about last night, I didn't know what I was doing..."

Scarlett: "Dan it's fine, don't worry about it."

Dan: "are you free today by any chance?"

Scarlett: "yeah"

Dan: "great! I'll pick you up at 11am"

Scarlett: "what are we doing?"

Dan: "eating pizza and watching movies."

I checked my watch, 10. I had time to take a shower and look somewhat presentable.


As Dan had said he picked me up from the hotel at 11. He had black jeans and his twin peaks sweatshirt on.

"Hey, I don't mean to be rude or anything but do you have anywhere to stay? I know you don't want to stay at my dads apartment because you refuse to take the offer." Dan says, still focusing on the road.

" I don't" I stutter. Finding a decently priced apartment in London was virtually impossible. The money Jack had given me was probably enough to rent a crappy motel room for about a day.

"How much money do you have?" He asked carefully, trying not to offend me. Kyle had probably told him about my situation.

I rummaged through my wallet, $50.

We walked inside the small coffee shop and took our seats. "Do you maybe want to stay with me? Im moving out and I recently got an apartment and it's pretty big. I've been meaning to look for a house mate...its up to you I don't wanna force you to, I mean you don't have to pay anything because it's one of my dad's apartment complexes so I get it for free -"

"Sure, why not." I smile.

We arrived at his apartment, as he said, it was massive. The red brick wall and tall windows gave it a New York vibe.

He still had boxes lying around. But some of his furniture was out. He had a queen size bed, a black sofa, his desk and his keyboard all set up.

"Here's some aspiring for your headache" Dan says as he hands me the tablets and a cup of water.

"Don't you have a hangover?" I ask. Surely he must, I saw him drink half a bottle of whiskey last night.

He chuckled. "I took a whole lot of painkillers for this headache."
"Now, I'll order some pizza. As for you, pick a movie."

I put on The Conjuring. This wasn't the girl-puts-on-scary-movie-and-guy-cuddles-her cliché.

"Aren't you scared?" Dan says as he pointed to the cd.

I shrugged and sat right next to Dan. "I could probably recite this movie backwards."

Dan chuckled and put his arm around me, pulling me closer.


"Scarlett" he says softly.

"Yeah?" I say, turning my head so I was just focusing on Dan. Our eyes met, I found myself gazing into his blue eyes.

He lets out a deep breath. "I really like you, like more than I should because I've only known you for about a month. you're the nicest and understanding person out. This is getting really long and it sounds like I'm proposing to you-I'm not by the way -" he chuckles. "Scarlett, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, you idiot." I giggle and wrap my arms around him to pull him into a long kiss.

{{ Sorry for the short chapter, omfg this hurt me writing it omfg I need help}}

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